Example sentences of "[pers pn] are to [be] [adj] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 But if we are to be able to talk to our children about this at all , then we must have some understanding of the choices and risks they face .
2 For evidently we need both reflexive and non-reflexive polyadic predicates , as well as monadic predicates , if we are to be able to describe at all adequately the world around us .
3 It will be needed , above all , if we are to be able to read the historical record .
4 But , as we saw , this will not work ; for if we are to be able to make significant identifying references to qualities , we need a distinction between qualities and their existentially unique instances , and this raises the problem of determining the precise ontological status of such instances : i.e. what such instances are , and how they can be identified and distinguished from each other .
5 The more distant one of those later groups is , the more likely we are to be able to construct a counter-example ; as is revealed in our own example where = you are a brain in a vat ;
6 The more highly constrained and ritualised the genre , the more likely we are to be able to identify norms .
7 We shall now see that in order to account for changes in the modern world this evolutionary background of the ego and superego is by no means irrelevant ; on the contrary , we must take it very seriously if we are to be able to understand what is going on around us .
8 If we are to be able to select the most appropriate selling opportunities , the information on our database must be as comprehensive as possible .
9 In turn , if we are to be able to pay for these commodities , we must export .
10 Yet all couples have to make the break from home , emotionally if not physically , if they are to be free to make a marriage work .
11 All pupils should pursue the programmes of study and attainment targets if they are to be able to participate fully in adult life and employment .
12 We want Annabelle and Steven to enjoy the things we never had , not to take them for granted , but to appreciate how lucky they are to be able to celebrate like this surrounded by their families and friends .
13 The net effect of these injunctions ( as well as others we shall meet later ) is to ensure that the natural inability of human beings to respond ‘ perfectly ’ to all situations , however demanding or paradoxical , is construed by those human beings as clear evidence of personal inadequacy : they lack the ability , resilience or ready-made savoir-faire that they somehow ought to have , in limitless supply , if they are to be able to look themselves in the eye in the bathroom mirror each morning .
14 Accountants , too , need to understand these criteria if they are to be able to help management reach decisions about product effectiveness .
15 We can compare this with a similar attempt made eight years later by Stubbs ( 1983 ) , who distinguishes four main areas of language which teachers should know about if they are to be able to make informed decisions about language problems at school :
16 Now this means that erm putting it in its simplest way that for any of the districts in North Yorkshire and for Harrogate and if I may presume to say so in Selby in particular where the need is greatest , the local authorities must have the ability to designate what is provocatively called green field land , if they so wish in their local plan , proper consultations and strategic policies , they must have that freedom to do that if they are to be able to offer in their district land which will prove attractive to erm employment generating uses .
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