Example sentences of "[pers pn] are [v-ing] [to-vb] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Cooking and eating go together , so naturally the next step is to decide where and in what sort of style you are going to serve and eat meals .
2 Work a number of test pieces before finally deciding on the tension you are going to use and sample .
3 Do what you are going to do and let me be . ’
4 Tell your reader what questions you are going to answer and do n't make promises you ca n't keep ( see pp. 92 – 4 ) .
5 Decide which questions you are going to answer and put them in order of difficulty with the easiest coming first .
6 Start deciding what you are going to wear and plan well ahead if your dress/shoes/bridesmaids ' dresses etc. are being made
7 An alternative system is the ‘ checklist approach ’ , where you decide in advance which verbal and/or non-verbal behaviours you are going to observe and devise a number of categories to monitor behaviour against .
8 If you are going to cheat and sneak bars of chocolate or packets of salted peanuts into your cupboard to eat when no one 's around then you might as well give this book to somebody else .
9 We are looking to strengthen and support the Omega brand name and increase our investment in new product development .
10 We have not only taken on the status of the older generation , we are beginning to look and behave that way too .
11 There is no way that we can be sure , from the statements of members of Labour 's Front Bench , what the Opposition 's policies would be in the context of the Bill and of the industry that we are trying to preserve and strengthen .
12 At present we have only one lubricator and we are trying to locate and purchase a large 12-feed unit . ’
13 But whatever criteria we use , we can not conceivably make valid judgements unless we spell out what we are attempting to achieve and try to measure whether we have achieved it or not .
14 Does it mean that P and R today are actually supporting the establishment , establishment of those posts , and we are going to go and get the money , or what ?
15 We are going to improve and produce what I believe the optimum product eventually .
16 ‘ The idea is we are going to try and do something with his hands to see if we can give him some form of grip . ’
17 Oxford has a erm reputation of being internationally minded , and I would like to spend much more on twinning if we were allowed to , to have proper link with Lyon where we 're actually funding projects in Lyon and links with other cities in the Third World , and I believe that if we are going to try and cut that out we 're being very , very narrow minded indeed .
18 We are going to boil or drown : that is the basic , crude , but nevertheless simplistic theory upon which we are supposed to legislate .
19 Has anyone got the Leeds ticket office or fax number , We are planning to try and make the wednesday match on feb the 12th , that is if any tickets are still available .
20 Has anyone got the Leeds ticket office or fax number , We are planning to try and make the wednesday match on feb the 12th , that is if any tickets are still available .
21 They are trying to humiliate and belittle us .
22 Analysts , however , have taken the concept of ‘ literal meaning ’ as a ‘ neutral ’ and ‘ universal ’ tool of study rather than treating it as an object of study in itself , as a part of the ‘ social construction of reality ’ which they are trying to describe and to explain .
23 With the best will in the world , and the best board in the world , and the best strategic direction in the world , nothing will happen unless everyone down the line understands what they are trying to achieve and gives of their best to achieve it .
24 As you can imagine now they are beginning to stand and moving rapidly they are very hard work and amusing .
25 It is what helps keep them sane , chained to a wall not knowing if they are going to live or die .
26 After another 13 years of getting the country into a mess the Tories tell us of all the good things they are going to do if re-elected .
27 This detailed description lets the reader have an intimate knowledge of each character , almost to the point of being able to anticipate what they are going to do and say next .
28 He says , Every auidience is different we never know what their reaction will be whether they are going to cheer or boo .
29 They can argue that they make their position on these things perfectly clear , and that if people vote for them then they know what they are going to get and have no right to claim that sabbatarianism is being forced on them .
30 The context of pupil-led formula funding and the charging to schools of actual salary costs , could put governors in a situation where they are deciding to appoint and/or promote only younger and hence ‘ cheaper ’ teachers .
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