Example sentences of "[pers pn] with [Wh det] [pron] [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Jessica had confronted him with what she 'd seen when he got home two nights later from his ‘ trip ’ .
2 By the time she heard his car squeezing into a parking space outside she was calmer ; at least outwardly , opening the door to him with what she hoped gave the appearance of nonchalance .
3 And she would enjoy impressing him with what she had managed to find out about Hugh Puddephat so far .
4 A tiny part of her wanted to confront him with what he 'd done ; yet she knew she could n't do it , could n't bear looking into his sea-blue eyes , or at the lips which had kissed her so tenderly the night before , only to laugh with Marianne today as he shared with her the secrets Shannon had confided so trustingly — so blindly !
5 Aunt Lou was inclined to mistrust the device and confuse it with what she had read of ‘ bugged ’ telephones in the newspapers .
6 The Greenham women complained of police brutality but , as Johnson points out , ‘ The press portrayed the blockading women as screaming harridans , contrasting us with what they had presented as the nice , well-meaning middle-class mothers and grandmothers the day before ’ ( Johnson , 1989:167 ) .
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