Example sentences of "[pers pn] was just the [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 But the Hank in his mind , the one who calmed him down and cheered him up and got him going in a sensible way — she was just the sort of fantasy mother you 'd make up if your own mother was too strong , too passionate , too overwhelming .
2 In eighteen oh six , erm a law was passed which said that all property of a woman went over to the man on their marriage , including herself , so the woman was no longer an individual , she was just the property of the man and she could be disciplined and punished if the man felt like it .
3 Or maybe it was just the shock of the volume , the decibel-heavy onslaught leaving trousers flapping at every pounding bass line , and young ears bleeding whenever Lesley presses her gurning face to the mic .
4 It was just the shock of seeing two policemen on her doorstep .
5 It was just the shock of what you said .
6 It was just the shock of realising … of course , it must have been the killer I heard .
7 Perhaps she made a sound or some small movement , or maybe it was just the intensity of her gaze — whatever , she suddenly found those silvery-green eyes looking straight into hers .
8 It was just the kind of chance she could n't miss , and if she had to miss the next flight home she was sure Lord C would understand .
9 A scintillating mixture of blues and greens , it was just the kind of thing Dana would love .
10 ‘ When I saw you it was just the pair of you .
11 I do n't think it was just the change of publisher that did so much for this author , but her works have become more powerful .
12 It was n't what it said , I mean I 've read books and heard jokes just as bad , it was just the thought of Mummy getting it .
13 It was just the thought of coping with this quantity alone that had me momentarily rattled , ’ she admitted with truth , then added with a hint of defiance , ‘ But if Stella can do it , I can do it . ’
14 It was just the thought of having to spend more time in Luke Calder 's company , which was more than she could face today .
15 It was just the sort of set-up that attracted Dustin , who had been itching to have more power over his films for some time .
16 It was just the sort of match that cried out for some Cantona-like ambition .
17 It was just the sort of thing we had seen on Starsky and Hutch .
18 It was just the sort of nose-thumbing exercise toward the NZRFU that Haden would loved to have devised and put in action .
19 Th you know it was just the sort of it , it all changed after the First World War and completely changed after the Second World War .
20 It was just the sort of thing the boys liked , and when Hilary had fetched their suppers — a cold Scotch egg each — from the kitchen , they all sat watching it .
21 But it sounded more like Hilda alone — it was just the sort of thing to appeal to Hilda 's sense of humour .
22 It was just the sort of thing that would amuse a man like that .
23 Finally the interrogators must have lost their patience , or perhaps it was just the heat of the vodka .
24 much trouble or anything , but it was just the fact of it being there .
25 ‘ But United did n't , and looking back it was just the start of their slide .
26 B&I 's UK passenger manager , Victor Williams , said it was just the start of the company getting into the ‘ super-phase mould . ’
27 B&I 's UK passenger manager Victor Williams said it was just the start of the company getting into the ‘ super phase mould . ’
28 She did n't actually hear him come back into the room ; it was just the feeling of being watched that alerted her to his presence , and she turned her head warily .
29 It was often said that her new-found reputation was a bubble that would burst once people realized it was just the raunchiness of her work that got her a wide readership .
30 Perhaps it was just the effect of the tourist season , but Spain seemed very much more prosperous , and the construction companies and property developers had their giant cranes everywhere , their crude colours looming garishly over the old amber-rose stone of the city 's most ancient monuments .
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