Example sentences of "[pers pn] was time [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Finally it was time to tackle the design of the hotel 's talking-point — the vast fresh-water swimming-pool Stephen planned to construct to cater for guests who , having come thousands of miles to see the Caribbean , decided they did n't actually want to swim in it .
2 She said a tiny minority were making life miserable for the majority and said it was time to tackle the root causes of crime .
3 She said a tiny minority were making life miserable for the majority and said it was time to tackle the root causes of crime .
4 Surkov signed the bill for our teas , and it was time to board the coach to take us to the late-afternoon theatrical performance .
5 It was time to plant the tank .
6 The latter decided that it was time to visit the bridge and examine the suspect area .
7 Maybe it was time to force the pace ; time to draw the T'ang out of himself .
8 Equipped with such information , I decided it was time to hit the streets .
9 Mum sat at the end nearest the wall , then my two sisters , whilst I sat next to Dad , who took the outside seat ready for a quick get-away when it was time to take the collection .
10 With all that activity accomplished , suddenly it was time to order the Christmas tree again , and another cycle was complete .
11 When civilization was no better than barbarism , the whole experiment of humanity was at an end , and it was time to clean the slate .
12 Down to his last few hundred dollars , and with nothing but the good offices of a public defender standing between him and the octopus , it was time to evacuate the hostages .
13 Although he had n't sold a book in weeks he would happily sit at the counter engrossed in his beloved William Blake until it was time to turn the sign on the front door from ‘ Open ’ to ‘ Closed ’ .
14 Perhaps it was newspaper speculation that the ‘ courting couple ’ were about to get married that convinced Jason it was time to turn the tide in favour of something nearer the truth and gently let everyone into their secret that it was just one big publicity stunt which , once started , was easier to carry on with than deny , and far more profitable in any event .
15 In daylight at dawn , it was time to leave the palace and head south on the long trek to Bombay .
16 It was time to leave the kingdom of light .
17 Nevertheless , there was general agreement on all sides that Sandys had overstepped the line between sensible and imprudent change , and that it was time to shift the emphasis away from the nuclear end of the spectrum of War and back to a more balanced , central position .
18 It was time to re-draw the boundaries .
19 After the finals it was time to pick the redcurrants and raspberries , which was no one 's favourite job , but the consolation of the thought of summer puddings , not just in summer but all the year round , goaded us on , because if there exists a more ambrosial delight I do n't know of it .
20 We were airborne again , only three hours to Perth Australia and it was time to annoy the stewardesses .
21 When his first patient of the afternoon arrived before he awoke he knew it was time to abandon the diet .
22 They had not yet got Richards , however , and when Collis King joined him they decided it was time to entertain the crowd .
23 Today Gloucestershire MPs Geoffrey Clifton Brown and Paul Marland told social security ministers that it was time to stop the flood of so-called easy money to travellers who were n't interested in working
24 Today Gloucestershire MPs Geoffrey Clifton Brown and Paul Marland told social security ministers that it was time to stop the flood of so-called easy money to travellers who were n't interested in working
25 The industry , meanwhile , had moved into a different era ; the international standards had changed , and it was time to bring the law up-to-date .
26 Then I went back to my panel-picture and worked until it was time to start the supper .
27 We played three more rounds in the same four-ball until the bell rang ( it was time to start the tournament proper ) .
28 And perhaps it was time to play the trump card up his sleeve .
29 Waverley 's opening statement came from vice-chair Michele Munro , who said the trust board felt it was time to offer the benefits former Scottish Homes tenants in the Borders had enjoyed with Waverley for the last four years to Tweeddale tenants .
30 They did n't search me straightaway because it was time to change the guard at six o'clock precisely .
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