Example sentences of "[pers pn] was not [verb] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I suppose I should have noticed that the sand was all trampled but I was n't to know that the sandpit was the personal stamping ground of a large bull reindeer .
2 I was n't insured and the things stolen were worth £150,000 .
3 When Olwyn was not in bed by 8pm she was not rewarded and no star was given , even if she was only one minute late .
4 It was n't locked and a musty smell floated into the passage .
5 It was n't formalised but the main threads of quality management were there .
6 She wanted to put the phone down and pretend it was n't happening but the noises came back and a different voice said , ‘ Sergeant MacDonald is n't here at the moment .
7 It was not disputed that the effect of Rule 4.90 between Mr Sawar and BCCI was to reduce his indebtedness to BCCI by the amount outstanding to his credit in the deposit account .
8 There was however no detailed evidence of the employer 's turnover or size although it was not disputed that the profit under the contract amounted to $10.8 million .
9 It was not intended that the Villa would be used as a residence ( the east wing of the old mansion being retained as the family residence ) , but mainly for the exhibition of the fine collection of paintings and sculptures which the Duke had gathered together , including examples of Holbein ; Rembrandt : Leonardo da Vinci ; Titian ; Van Dyke and Rubens .
10 At that time it was not realised that the investigating team were already in possession of the evidence necessary to determine the cause of the accident and it was entirely fortuitous that the body that was removed from under the pathologist 's nose was not one containing vital evidence .
11 In this case it was not contended that the appellant had not acted dishonestly .
12 It was not felt that the information produced was of sufficient quality to assist in planning services .
13 It was not felt that the changes would be likely to deflect future military unrest .
14 The Mercers fixed it at £100 in 1503 ; either it was not enforced or the assessments are thoroughly unsatisfactory .
15 A further claim for , inter alia , unlawful means conspiracy was brought against Company B but it was not alleged that the predominant purpose of the conspiracy was to injure the plaintiffs since the defendants were obviously concerned to protect their own position .
16 Just as it looked as though he was going to be " bridesmaid " again in 1986m he emerged from a tense season as champion for a third time , but it was not resolved until the very last race of the season once more .
17 It was not settled whether the indemnity be void under s 2(1) or only subject to a reasonableness test under s 4 .
18 Furthermore , earlier studies of patients with duodenal ulcer disease , who were presumably mostly infected , showed their parietal cells to be , if anything more sensitive to gastrin than those of controls , although it was not known whether the controls were infected with H pylori .
19 It was not known whether the auditors had charged a fee for their valuation .
20 To give an example of how inadequate official testing can be , at Swansea , where a hell of a lot of people use the sea for recreation , until 1989 it was not disclosed that the official testing point in the sewage outfall pipe was above the point where commercial waste was joining the system .
21 Held , ( 1 ) refusing to join B. as a party , that , since B. claimed no personal interest in the money in court and it was not suggested that the money belonged to the ousted regime , her only locus standi would be as a person entitled to represent the Republic of Somalia ; but that , on the evidence , B. had no recognition as a representative of the Republic in the United Kingdom ( post , pp. 749H — 750B ) .
22 It was not proposed that the two phases necessarily identified with the fibrils to be observed in highly drawn polymers although such identification is clearly possible .
23 In the case of the Shipbuilding Engineering and Repairing Bill in 1976 , it was not appreciated until the Bill was well under way that it was , by reason of naming the firms to be affected in a schedule , a hybrid Bill and its passage had to be deferred in order that the above procedures could be gone through .
24 AD 160 across the courtyard building , after which it was not rebuilt although the baths appear to have remained in use .
25 I guess the fans love him because 1 ) he 's a bloody good player — he proved that at Arse ; 2 ) they think he 's had a bit of a raw deal especially last year when he was n't played and the rest of the team wer n't exactly setting the Premiership on fire ! !
26 But he was n't hopping when the Liberator exploded .
27 We were gon na wax his fucking legs argh , he did n't ar , he did , he was n't screaming cos the thing we said like if you move this , your , your will be slit sort of that 'll keep him dead still right
28 He was n't to know that the journalist he was expecting had opted to take the longer route overland rather than to fly out on Thursday .
29 However , he was not selected and a request for a box-off against Matthew Turner , the Welsh ABA 's choice , was rejected .
30 He was not to know that a real fear was beginning to overwhelm Sally-Anne .
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