Example sentences of "[pers pn] and his [noun] [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Then , he stared in front of him and his body froze in disbelief .
2 She moved her head away from him , but he moved with her and his mouth closed on hers once more .
3 He and his officer rode at the head of their squadron , and were thus at the very tip of the advancing French army .
4 ‘ Believe me , lady , ’ he said as he and his companion rose to their feet , ‘ that 's the very least of your problems ! ’
5 A platoon commander in the 3rd Parachute Battalion , he was among the only company of Allied soldiers to reach the bridge where he and his comrades came under heavy fire .
6 Fifteen years ago he and his mum appeared on Bruce Forsyth 's The Generation Game .
7 He was a businessman in Belfast , and he and his wife looked after Eric for nearly five years , when my brother was a toddler .
8 Mr Rakebrand ( 33 ) an agriculture engineer from Adendorf , Germany , was shot soon after he and his wife arrived from Germany for a holiday .
9 He had arrived too late for things that were still in the air but vanished , the whole ferment and brightness and journeyings and youth of the 1960s , the blissful dawn of what he and his contemporaries saw as a pretty blank day .
10 He and his sister went into Lower Six and contemplated the train set in silence .
11 He and his sister stood on either side of the bed , bending over her as if to protect her from the perils of the night with their own flesh and bone .
12 Then his wife died on the trek and he and his daughter walked into India and asked people everywhere — Did they know where Padre Appleton was ? until at last he tracked us down to Poona .
13 The Prince acknowledged their greetings as he and his favourite sat in the two great throne-like chairs at the high table .
14 At that time he and his family lived at the Roveries , and before the Railway was built , the Oakeleys drove to Craven Arms to catch the train to Ludlow or Shrewsbury .
15 The new papers , available on microfilm , were rescued from Joyce 's apartment in the Rue des Vignes in Paris in September 1940 , after he and his family fled before the Germans occupied the city .
16 Returned to office in 1957 and 1961 , he and his party came under severe UK and US pressure and were defeated in the 1964 elections ( the last before independence in 1966 ; see pp. 19841 ; 21428 ) .
17 ( Incidentally , during the Fontainebleau conference Ho had called on the US Ambassador in Paris to assure him that he and his party aspired to independence in the French Union and that he was not a communist . )
18 Very fine he and his men looked in their feathered bonnets with the pipes playing .
19 That at least he and his father had in common .
20 At any rate , he and his clan went to the top of the class as far as the DEA and CIA were concerned .
21 So he and his rider galloped up a long hill and then down a longer hill and then up another hill and so on without a break for eight exhausting miles , and the more his rider puffed and gasped for breath , the more he enjoyed himself and the faster he went !
22 He stands in the midst of a field of strong young rice on the rich land he and his compañeros wrested from the rancher , more by doggedness than force , in 1981 .
23 During talks in Bangkok on Jan. 4 with an Australian envoy , Khieu Samphan , the nominal leader of the Khmers Rouges , insisted that he and his colleagues had to be included in any interim Cambodian administration .
24 Mr Stokle recalled how he and his girlfriend went to the bungalow to meet Evans and Stroud , apparently to discuss a financial settlement .
25 At seven o'clock in the evening , a time Clarke judged opportune , he and his fellow-officers burst into the brothers ' bedroom .
26 Though tragically killed in a recent motorbike accident , Madra was an undisputed maestro of the art , as well as an easy and informative friend whom I had known for some time , so it was a shock to witness the epic genius which came through him , and the transformation which both he and his audience underwent in that open village square the first time I saw him perform .
27 Vauban positively beamed with pleasure , waved us goodbye like an affectionate friend , then he and his horsemen disappeared in a haze of dust .
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