Example sentences of "[pers pn] and [vb base] [pron] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 I 've brought a bottle with me and put it in the fridge .
2 I took your violets home with me and have them in a vase in my room , and Mrs Gracie the housekeeper ( who owns the pug ) takes them out at night as she says they poison the air when one is asleep .
3 And er I remembering Dad , once he bought a cherry tree , and went up to get all these here cherries off the trees , and when we got them we used to wipe them and put them in a bag , and sell them at the fairs .
4 After she had gone upstairs Carolyn collected them and put them in a jar on the mantelpiece .
5 He blanched and I would chill and bag them and put them in the freezer .
6 He even took them and put them in the litter-bin .
7 Peel , halve and core them and place them in a saucepan … cover with the wine and a broken cinnamon stick and heat until barely simmering … wash the monkfish and pat dry with kitchen paper … just as the liquid begins to caramelise , add the lemon juice and stir vigorously … reduced to a quarter of its original volume … add the cubes one at a time … thread the piece of monkfish … reserving the liquid … baste the fruit continuously … intersperse with pears … hand the sauce separately …
8 The agonies of reading one 's most intimate feelings and thoughts aloud to a roomful of strangers , and then being expected to talk about them and explain them in an acceptably relaxed and humorous manner were more than I could bear .
9 The police spokesman added : ‘ It is incredible that someone should carry so much cash around with them and leave it in a car .
10 Pull out the magazine schemes that appeal most to you and stick them in a file ; mark the pages you like in books .
11 Ask if you can take the form away with you and put it in the post the same day , or bring it back later .
12 It 's the matter of the moment really , you just fling them into a roasting tin do n't you and put it in the oven ?
13 Charlotte was glad of the excuse to leave him and busy herself in the kitchen .
14 She wanted only to rid herself of the blocks Ewan had inflicted on her and lose herself in a new future .
15 The the ruling is , that if you catch a child you take her and keep her in the office and send for the parents .
16 ‘ If we want a lively and thriving democracy we have to enable people to have information in a way in which they can deal with it and use it in a way which enhances their understanding of the subject . ’
17 I can pick the cigar up just with my eye-power and push it and pull it in the air any way I want ! ’
18 We 'll probably wait for some boring moment on the tour and go over it , collect it and put it in a book for posterity ! ’
19 Well , you take that out of the stream , take it home , bake it , powder it and put it in a box ; and you use oils with it the same as you do for the milch .
20 We have to get special stuff called bulb fibre and wet it and put it in a bowl and then we plant our bulbs in it . ’
21 If it is a real big son , great , we stuff it and put it in the front room .
22 I took the cheque , folded it and put it in the back pocket of my jeans .
23 She says that her husband suggested they buy it and put it in the bedroom !
24 In the chip shop we bought some fish out the fryer and put in the top and straight away got them bloody tongs picked it up and poured the bloody grease off it and put it in the bloody bag thought it was terrible .
25 If you 're not going to fly , remove it and store it in a dry spot .
26 ‘ But , darling , why not part it and tie it in a knot under your chin ? ’
27 Date it and place it in the safe keeping of a bank manager or a solicitor ( although these professionals often do n't like doing this , as it is a lot of trouble ) .
28 Do n't just prolong the issue , do n't pick on us and lock us in a room thinking that when we come out we 're going to be as good as gold , because we 're not .
29 Most remarkable of all , Karl , Barth , having been unable to serve as an observer , later published his reflections ( 1967 , 1969 ) , asking himself such questions as ‘ How would things look if Rome ( without ceasing to be Rome ) were one day simply to overtake us and place us in the shadows , so far as the renewing of the church through the Word and Spirit of the gospel is concerned ? ’
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