Example sentences of "[pers pn] was [Wh adv] [pron] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 If he is anything like I was when I played my first Masters ( of three ) in 1978 , this limited time will not have prevented him from dreaming of all possible scenarios , from an air shot on the first tee to outright victory by some 10 shots .
2 Quite apart from the ones I killed ( and they were all about the same age I was when I murdered them ) I can think of at least three of our family who went to whatever they imagined their Maker was like in unusual ways .
3 Dear Boy , It must be very difficult for you sometimes I expect not having anyone and having to do all the shopping and cooking for yourself I know that when I was working I certainly could not have managed on my own , coming home tired and then making dinner your own dinner and then going upstairs to do some more work , what sort of life is that , though I know all about that because of course I did do that for three years almost , and I know how much happier I was when I knew there was someone waiting for me and having the dinner ready and keeping the house clean and all those things , or perhaps you people do n't think those things are important .
4 I vividly remember how disappointed I was when I bought my garter bar .
5 She was when I left her . ’
6 My first acquaintance with her was when I heard her sing .
7 And it was n't arbitrary it was where we needed somebody at that time .
8 It was where he spent his last years , here at Gads ' Hill Place , in the house which he had coveted as a poverty-stricken child .
9 ‘ I know it was when they took my watch , ’ Rab said .
10 He must know it was not how much they earned that was important — not when they were insolvent — it was when they earned it that counted .
11 It was a home that the great prophet of Gothic designed for himself and his family , and today it is still as strange and startling as it was when he built it around 1835 .
12 ‘ Why , it was when you transmitted your goading holo into Voronov-Vaux 's sanctum , through the spy-flies you stole from me . ’
13 Colonel Goreng was moving away from the details of the operation to talk about the Western concept of ‘ human rights ’ , to mock it , to say what a ridiculous shibboleth it was when it stopped you defending the rights of those who were n't criminals , when Mrs Goreng knocked on the door .
14 It was when I took my jacket off and stood before a mirror and saw for the first time that all I was was a pair of scarlet braces , that I realised that evangelism was n't enough .
15 Though it was when I heard her using bad language to my housekeeper and being unwarrantedly rude to Ivo that I decided I 'd had enough of the woman . ’
16 And I , I , it was when I had my own car and I drove there .
17 It was when I married him that we bought this house here , just to escape to at the weekends , you know .
18 I chose housing as my theme for the Dimbleby Lecture , and I enunciated a belief which is as firm today as it was when I delivered it :
19 It was when she told him where she was working that he was taken aback .
20 It was how I knew you were coming .
21 I realized what a marvellous actor he was when I saw him in this and only wished that he had n't relied so much on the funny voices and hidden behind the easier way out of doing the characters that he could do so easily — and it was easy for him .
22 ‘ Twenty-four years old he was when I found him in the provost 's prison in Paris , and paid his fine to get him for my own , him and that foster-brother of his whom you know well . ’
23 One incident that has stuck with me was when he played us the Queen of the Night 's aria from The Magic Flute , telling us that it was notoriously difficult for singers as the top note reached ‘ F in alt ’ .
24 Incidentally , he never did baptise my breast with Mississippi water ; the only time a bottle passed between us was when I sent him some Taburel water to stop his hair falling out .
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