Example sentences of "[pers pn] was [adj] [prep] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I think it was erm a bit of a ploy that erm I was extra to establishment really and I was only temporary , on the temporary staff until erm well a year or so after the war when all these things were sort of sorted out and erm I was on the permanent
2 I was high on LSD probably , but that 's just a guess . ’
3 Comes of telephoning her , telling her I was lonely with Clarissa away and stuck out at Willesden .
4 Suddenly I was full of hope again , and I gave a great shout of happiness .
5 After a few touch-and-goes I was able to clean-up slickly : throttles carefully forward a couple of inches at main-wheel touch ( no automatic fuel control below 16,000 rpm ) , hold the nose-wheel an inch or two off the tarmac and retract the airbrakes ( thumb switch up for speed-up ) , a bit more throttle , flaps to fifteen ( toggle switch on side console forward — do n't even contemplate touching that too-obtrusive up-and-down flap-shaped undercarriage selector in the corner of you eye on the panel ahead ) , more power , the roar deepens with a steady push from behind , glance at the ASI , full throttle , speed building through ninety , rotate , positive climb , gear up , speed 120 , flaps up speed 170 , crank on the bank and we are downwind again .
6 They 'd tell Father Watson and the nuns , but what did that matter , they must know why she was absent from school anyway .
7 Although she was absent from England late in the reign , Cnut was before that in the position of having two consorts .
8 Mrs Lomax fumbled with the ignition switch and Jack could see that she was close to tears again .
9 She was close to tears now .
10 I do hope your aunt is n't ill again , I quite expected to find her up , her card , you know , her card indicated she was ready for callers again . ’
11 It was due for renewal yesterday , but I entirely forgot about it .
12 For Locke , it was possible from reason alone to know that there is a God , and the role of revelation tended to be seen as a way to produce belief among those whose reason was undeveloped .
13 He did n't mind asking Bernard a favour on his own , but it was awkward with Maggie there .
14 He liked the offworlder well enough , but it was ridiculous for Zurachina even to consider the suggestion .
15 It was oblong in form about 36 feet in length and about 16 feet in width , and two storeys high .
16 It was hard for Satan alone to mislead the whole world , ’ declared the grandson of the BeSHT , Nachman of Bratislava , in one of his more caustic diatribes , ‘ so he appointed rabbis in different locations . ’
17 As an exercise , it was valuable for Glass even if it aroused a great deal of hostility .
18 It was weighty with water now cold , but he limped to the lavatory with it , emptied it , cleaned it and put it back on its hook .
19 It was different from Adrar only in that a main street , with post office and government buildings , replaced the square , but otherwise the sepia buildings were less than my expectations .
20 It was full of people strangely dressed in plus fours and navy blue suits , with packs strapped to their backs .
21 It was clear to Leith then that Olinda Bray was one of many .
22 He was close to Mills too ? ’
23 He was close behind George now , breathing heavily .
24 As father of the City ( senior alderman ) from 1586 , he was involved in matters as various as military preparations in case of Spanish attack , the management of the City 's property , and the furtherance of its interests in Parliament .
25 He was deep in shadow now , protected from the direct glare of the car headlights by the stone portal of a doorway .
26 Ankrah , commanding the Ghana army , was retired he was due for retirement anyway ( he had come up through the ranks and served in Burma ) .
27 The 27-year-old former Army officer tried to kill himself less than 24 hours before he was due in court again accused of murdering his parents at their home in Jersey .
28 You knew he was smart about cars ; he was savvy about life too .
29 Although Sontag ( 1979 ) may have been guilty of exaggeration in her claim that Benjamin 's most important influence came from surrealism , it is certain that he was enthusiastic about surrealism both as a movement in the arts and as often explicit politics .
30 He was evasive about Rob too ; almost as if he had n't wanted to talk about him .
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