Example sentences of "[pers pn] was [verb] for [num] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I was looking for one hole .
2 I was kidnapped for ten days .
3 I was elected for two years running onto the NUS Lesbian and Gay Committee and served for one year on the London Students ' Organization executive committee .
4 I was to starve for thirty-six hours beforehand , take a powerful laxative and drink plenty of clear fluids ‘ including alcohol if you wish ’ .
5 I was devastated for four months after finishing second to Woosnam last year , but now I realise the value of that defeat .
6 She was treated for 1 month with valproate 2 g daily ( 40 mg/kg ) , then nausea , vomiting , and abdominal pain occurred .
7 Sheila alleged that she was dazed for three days following the attack , suffering a black eye and a cut on her forehead .
8 She was jailed for six months yesterday after a judge told her she had caused chaos and fear to boost her restaurant 's profits .
9 She was smoking for twenty-five years .
10 Instead she was confined for twenty hours a day on a ward for the criminally insane , most of them doped and many of them bruised from the warders ' heavy handling .
11 She was driven for 20 minutes to the Eastern docks , Dover .
12 NAZLI TOP : A 23-year-old nurse and midwife , she was tortured for four days at the Anti-Terror Branch of Istanbul Police Headquarters while three months ' pregnant .
13 For entering churches in Bristol ‘ to bear testimony against their formalities ’ , she was imprisoned for three months in 1654 .
14 The thing is , she was arrested for ten years for going to North Korea without government permission .
15 A Devon labourer who promised his mother not to marry in her lifetime , finally married only at the age of 51 : ‘ bugger , we was courting for seventeen year .
16 It was to last for nine hours , spreading from the Olympic Stadium into the streets , houses and offices of Charlottenburg , before the riot police , with their armoured vehicles and water cannons , brought the whole thing under control .
17 It was silenced for eight days .
18 In 1707 , Gibraltar became besieged by the Spaniards and it was defended for three years by General Elliot , who became Lord Heathfield and who bought Heathfield House , facing Turnham Green , from Lord Egmont , in 1789 .
19 The sample had a 170:1 split , at an initial temperature of 220°C , ramping at 2°C/minute to 280°C at which it was kept for 15 minutes , using helium as the carrier gas .
20 It was flown for six years by the Canadians before it was sold as surplus in late 1947 by the War Assets Corporation .
21 Earl Godwine held it , and in the time of King Edward , as now , it was assessed for 12 hides .
22 Nacro says it was built for 107 prisoners , but contains 195. making it eighty two per cent overcrowded .
23 Nacro says it was built for 107 prisoners , but now houses almost double that .
24 It was extended for three days after officials reported violence had dropped below the average 30 killings a day .
25 Described in the commercial directories as a ‘ voluntary school ’ and doubling up as a Sunday school , it was intended for 180 children , and sported Benjamin James as its first headmaster .
26 Last night it was shown for one night only at a charity screening for St. Edward 's School in Oxford .
27 It was missing for three years , until recovered unharmed from Bothwell Brig in Lanarkshire .
28 It was closed for four years from 1980 to 1984 , with the army occupying the campus , and since then has struggled to continue its academic work .
29 Then on 14 June 1985 TWA Flight 847 was hijacked and forced to land at Beirut where , before the world 's television cameras , it was held for 17 days .
30 He was fifty when his rise to prominence began soon after the accession of Amenophis III , whom he was to serve for thirty years before he died at the age of eighty .
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