Example sentences of "[pers pn] is not [adv] [v-ing] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 One should note , however , that although a mother bird may encourage her chicks to fly by calling to them from a branch some distance away , holding some tasty morsel in her beak as an inducement , all the same , she is not actually teaching them to fly .
2 She is not only asserting herself as an artist , she has painted herself with all the bloom and freshness of a young woman although she was in her mid sixties when it was made !
3 SunSoft has enhanced Solaris 2.0 to release 2.2 for Sparc ( although it is not officially calling it that ) , and that should be up on all new systems from May .
4 It is not easy watching someone you love die , and Robert Burrows went through a phase of doubt and anxiety which is part of the process of letting go but can be particularly hard for Christians to accept .
5 As such it is not only reworking its own field , but putting new questions and new evidence into the general work of the social sciences .
6 He is not politely evading it — he is actually thinking about it .
7 This leaves us with the possibility that , while the previous life the patient describes may not actually have happened , he is not deliberately inventing it but relating something which may have been created in his subconscious mind and which he really believes to be true .
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