Example sentences of "[pers pn] is still [adv] [adj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Despite these facts it is still incredibly difficult to find great , fashionable clothes in these sizes .
2 One of the most elementary and important lessons to be learned from model theory is that , even when we are tightly constrained by external correlations , it is still generally possible to construct a variety of models for a given set of data ( cf. the extremely useful comments on model construction and evaluation in connexion with language in Sternberg , 1963 ) .
3 Outside the capital , gigs are rarer , and it is still barely possible to earn a proper living .
4 It is still less likely to placate the soldiers who backed the failed uprising of December 3rd .
5 In 1979 , J. A. G. Griffith , Professor of Public Law at the London School of Economics , made the point that : " it is still quite common to hear the constitution described — even lovingly described — as a piece of machinery cleverly and subtly constructed to enable the will of the people to be transmitted through its elected representatives who make laws instructing its principal committee , the Cabinet , how to administer the affairs of the state , with the help of an impartial civil service and under the benevolent wisdom of a neutral judiciary .
6 Although pressing is easiest whenever there is least rain , because the drier the plant the better it will press , it is still perfectly possible to press specimens all the year round .
7 But , even with the files at one 's disposal in the Public Record Office , it is still perfectly possible to go astray .
8 It is well worth keeping a special watch for fossils of this kind when hunting in Cambrian localities — it is still perfectly possible to discover a completely new kind of echinoderm !
9 We can continue to represent the normal case , which corresponds to Bolinger 's referent-qualification , by either of the types of formulae : ( 6 ) Although it is relatively easy to describe verbally the second version where the adjective qualifies the property of the noun but does not in itself qualify the entity of the noun phrase , it is not so easy to suggest a simple but appropriate diagrammatic representation for it ; we may perhaps adopt a formulation as in ( 7 ) where the arrowhead representing qualification passes through the bracket into the property which is the descriptive identification resource of the noun : ( 7 ) [ ( DISTANT ) ( COUSIN ) ] We should still speak of the adjective as attributive , since it remains part of the same entity-identification as the noun ; and it is still perfectly proper to describe it as qualifying the noun syntactically , inasmuch as it marks an extension of what would be achieved by using the noun alone .
10 When all this has been said , it is still very difficult to see how the Divisional Court in R. v. LTE ex parte GLC managed to come down in favour of the GLC in the face of the unanimous decision of the Law Lords .
11 However , it is still very difficult to search for the sequence of transformations which produced any given tree .
12 It is still so difficult to talk about rape , or having been raped .
13 Yet , it is still sufficiently detailed to make our main points .
14 It remains true , however , that it is still deeply contentious to suggest the possibility of points of view in philosophy , let alone that substantial conclusions might be drawn from them .
15 It is still socially desirable to produce the efficient output Q ' ; in the cost-minimizing way .
16 It is still too early to judge the strategy , say Mr Reuter 's supporters within the company .
17 ‘ Technical and management committees are being formed , although it is still too early to talk about the detail of the programmes . ’
18 It is still too early to say whether the peak in unemployment has passed , but the likelihood of sustained increases in unemployment in the months to come recedes with each monthly fall , ’ officials said in the June monthly monetary report .
19 However , it is still too early to predict the season 's overall ‘ pack ’ and its effect on returns .
20 It is still too early to evaluate the importance of these variations , however , they may indicate that CytR is a flexible protein .
21 ‘ Interest rates are in the driving seat for the time being and it is still too early to buy , ’ says Mr Tora .
22 James added : ‘ It is still too early to start thinking about the Ryder Cup .
23 The use of Trichogramma , a parasitic wasp , against cotton insect pests has been stepped up , although Matthews says it is still too early to tell how effective biological control has been .
24 It is still too early to generalise much about this subject — if indeed one will ever be able to .
25 But it is still too slow to cope with the quantities needed for industrial-scale separation .
26 Ruggia 's elbows no longer scrape the tarmac , but he is still stunningly spectacular to behold on a 500
27 Having only recently regained employment he says he is still too poor to buy one .
28 A spokesman for Balding said : ‘ The governor is looking at both races though he is still more likely to run on Saturday . ’
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