Example sentences of "[pers pn] is [vb pp] [conj] [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 Today , Renee Henry is convinced that she is cured and that the Gerson therapy is responsible .
2 It is said that if the Logos is to be conceived to be in some sense male , then equally the Spirit is to be held to be female .
3 It is recorded that when the Local Government Board assumed control of the waterworks in 1854 , Henry was most upset .
4 It is hoped that since the breed is becoming numerically stronger , it will be the next step taken .
5 No explanation was given in the SAC 's statement , but it is understood that once the recent problems of the orchestra have been resolved the SAC may be prepared to consider other funding .
6 It is understood that while the insurers of Townsend Car Ferries Limited have admitted liability in negligence no concession has been made as to recklessness .
7 The recent developments in youth training policy are reviewed and it is argued that while the Youth Training Scheme has many attributes as a basis for an integrated training system , it fails to take account of two problems .
8 Instead , it is argued that when the cat 's blood-flow through its main veins into the heart is increased , turbulence is created .
9 When it is argued that because the British Parliament is now under the control of the executive , nothing should or can be done to alter the situation , this denies the capacity of politicians and the public to remedy defects in their own institutions .
10 It is felt that if the Government did lift the veto , it would be obliged to allow any company to bid for Jaguar .
11 It is felt that if the economy does not improve soon he will be reshuffled out of the Treasury by the Prime Minister .
12 Like any faculty , the psychic sense is more prominent if it is used and If the society in which an individual lives is conducive in its attitudes to the encouragement of such ability .
13 It is proposed that whether the girl is under 13 or under 16 , a man who believes that she is over 16 should not be guilty of any crime .
14 No details were given about the content of the comments , unlike those of the previous consultation on the PREPP recommendations , but it is known that while the community proposals had the broad backing of nursing unions and organisations , all had some reservations , and these have not been addressed .
15 It is expected that once the number of people on the dole tops 3,000,000 next Spring , Mr Lilley 's budget will reach £75 billion .
16 probably the sensible course is for most books to be ordered sight unseen , with the occasional title requested ‘ on approval ’ when it is thought that seeing the book would be helpful .
17 It is suggested that if the timetable is important ( as for example , a development timetable in a building lease ) the draftsman should provide expressly that time is to be of the essence .
18 It is suggested that where the premises form part of a number of properties insured by the landlord under a block policy , it would be unreasonable to expect the landlord to produce the policy and this is accepted .
19 The precedent suggests the inclusion of a plan and , while it is suggested that where the premises are clearly defined there is no necessity for a plan , there is little doubt that a plan stated to be for identification purposes ( and thereby preventing the plan from prevailing over the verbal description ) is advisable .
20 Unless there is a contract governing the transaction , it is suggested that when the conveyance or transfer has been executed by all parties a completion date should be arranged so that the necessary searches can be made by reference to that date and the matter completed .
21 Sometimes it is suggested that as the principal amount will never be repaid there is no need for the balance sheet to reflect a liability in respect of the debt .
22 It is shown that while the dodecamer under investigation does not contain any B II junctions , the central CpG step can most easily undergo the transition .
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