Example sentences of "[pers pn] is [adv] [verb] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She is also expected to join other royals at the church service on Christmas Day .
2 Effectively therefore she can neither walk nor talk and she is always going to need twenty four hour care for the rest of her life .
3 Apart from looking after the home and having babies , she is still expected to do most of the manual work on the land as her husband may be working abroad or in Funchal or just resting .
4 However , the prison and the system of which it is part tend to resist internal reform initiatives .
5 Growing in acid soil singularly poor in nutrients , it is remarkably adapted to obtain essential nitrogen from small invertebrates .
6 Before you re-use the newspaper and blotting paper for another batch of plant material , do ensure that it is thoroughly ironed to remove any moisture , or you will affect future pressings .
7 Taxonomy should be a common descriptive backbone to research in plant sciences , but the way in which it is conventionally presented makes such use difficult for the non-taxonomist .
8 If anyone thinks it is easy trying to get 30,000 cars out of a car park at once they should try it .
9 It is hard to imagine a finer production of Shaw 's most enjoyable play , and it is surely destined to become one of the National Theatre 's greatest successes .
10 It is well positioned to deliver further improvements in its operating performance in both the short and the longer term .
11 It is also intended to illumine current policy options by reference to the largely unreviewed experiences of the recent past .
12 It is also used to dress second degree burns ( blisters without skin loss ) once the blisters have broken leaving an open sore ( see Cuts and Scrapes ) .
13 It is also used to produce dried flowers , fitting perhaps , now that it is preserving the flower of the ancient Egyptian fleet .
14 It is also used to baste raw and cooked foods for extra flavour , having a distinctive pungency and taste .
15 Education , for example , benefits those who receive it because it enhances their employment prospects or because they enjoy studying , but it is also held to yield external benefits in producing a socialized , literate and informed citizenry .
16 Maladministration is not defined , but it is usually taken to mean administrative action ( or inaction ) which has led to unfairness to a member of the public .
17 The availability of surplus cash for financing fixed asset investments tends to be limited , since it is often used to meet working capital requirements .
18 It is fully insured to meet potential liabilities .
19 It is initially intended to launch these schemes in Germany and Switzerland but they may be extended to other countries later .
20 Above all we should resist it because it is really intended to allow legalised Euthanasia to sneak in by the kitchen window having been refused entry at the front door .
21 It is specifically designed to evolve current Sparc-based applications to System V.4 and acknowledges Sun 's Solaris operating system only as an System V.4 subset .
22 Mrs Harker says it is hard trying to keep these traditions going .
23 Progress has aimed its ADE at value added resellers and MIS departments in the past , but says it is now attempting to target large companies .
24 So in twenty four hours it will be exactly as it is now having gone all the way round , yes ?
25 Ken Preston-Mafham has over 35 000 colour slides and more than 10 years of experience behind him , so he is well qualified to offer sound advice on the trials and tribulations of photography ‘ in the field ’ .
26 Gerstner is a colleague of Akers on the board of The New York Times Co , and he is also said to know former IBM chief executive Thomas Watson Jr , who lives in the same Greenwich , Connecticut suburb as Gerstner .
27 Gerstner is a colleague of Akers on the board of The New York Times Co , and he is also said to know former IBM chief executive Thomas Watson Jr , who lives in the same Greenwich , Connecticut suburb as Gerstner .
28 He is also planning to present new plays next year and , with funds provided by the Scottish Arts Council , he is commissioning work from two writers .
29 He is also expected to have complete trust in his opponent in spite of all indications to the contrary .
30 Now he is slowly learning to curb those excesses .
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