Example sentences of "[pers pn] is [adj] [verb] that a " in BNC.

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1 It is pointless to deny that a dictatorship can rest on popular support , or that under certain circumstances a majority of the people can be persuaded to support or endorse illiberal and anti-democratic policies .
2 WITH the demand for golf courses vastly outweighing supply , it is refreshing to note that a number of courses have been given planning permission in the Durham and North Yorkshire area .
3 Second , it is necessary to check that a good range of jobs is being offered and that these are jobs with " added value " .
4 It is unreasonable to think that a manufacturer would be responsible for a product more than three years after manufacture .
5 It is usual to indicate that a consonant is syllabic by means of a small vertical mark , for example ‘ cattle ’ .
6 Currently it is usual to find that a contract cleaning company may be used to look after the offices and toilets , but production areas are generally ‘ out of bounds ’ , because they are considered too sensitive .
7 It is sobering to reflect that a case could be made out for the judgment that the last extensive exercise of the English poetic sensibility was Wordsworth 's Prelude . ’
8 Since it is implausible to suppose that a creature 's understanding of ‘ inside ’ is independent of its manipulative abilities , a kingfisher 's perceptual experience of containment would differ from a chimp 's .
9 It is implausible to imagine that a man , or a group , would refrain from winning an argument simply because a principle of statelessness excluded contact with external authority .
10 My Lords , if I may revert to the proposition that a person can not consent to the theft of property from himself , it is absurd to suppose that a company consents to the theft of its own property , merely because the thief is for most purposes of the company its directing mind .
11 Though one can question the exact proportion allocated to education , it is impossible to argue that a certain proportion should not be so allocated .
12 Without them , it is impossible to say that a country has a constitution in the current international sense of the word .
13 However , whilst it is impossible to guarantee that a business 's terms will be incorporated into all its contracts , if a business takes care to adopt proper contract formation procedures , it can maximise the chances of its terms being incorporated into its contracts , and therefore its chances of being able to rely on those terms should any dispute arise .
14 It is reasonable to suppose that a sense of what is usual or unusual or noticeable in language is built up from a lifelong experience of linguistic use , so that we are able to affirm with reasonable confidence and without resort to a pocket calculator ( to take a simple case already mentioned ) that Hemingway favours short sentences .
15 It follows that it is reasonable to assume that a unit of goodness can exist in the mind of man to aid him in understanding the origin of his God , just as the scientific unit aids human thought directed towards physical activity .
16 In general , it is reasonable to assume that a simple transcription in traditional orthography ( that is , without using phonemic symbols or a phonetic transcription ) will take between four and six times the length of the original recording .
17 It is reasonable to assume that a lytic phage as φ29 should have its main promoters optimized for high productivity .
18 It is reasonable to assume that an alarming number of dolphin deaths must be occurring around the coasts of the continent which are as yet unreported .
19 Likewise it is reasonable to accept that a rationalised religion must have a starting point that is based on acceptance of an unproved statement , provided that such a statement , if later proved to need modification , has not permitted the development of a religion that will collapse , if that vital primary premise comes into question .
20 This can be extremely hazardous and it is dangerous to assume that a rug will necessarily be cheaper in the country of origin than it is in the West ; rugs on sale in the bazaars in Turkey , for example , are often just as expensive , if not more so , than they are in London or New York .
21 Only this : it is misleading to suggest that a socialist alternative qualitatively different from the actual record of 1964–70 existed in potentia and merely went by default , on account of a failure of political will .
22 When one notes that Jaguar 's pre-tax profits for the first half of 1989 had slumped to £1.4 million , it is easy to see that a company valuation of £1.6 billion might be considered rather high .
23 It is easy to assert that a child 's early experience is important , but considerably more difficult to substantiate .
24 From a distance it is easy to believe that a child is counting when in fact he is only reciting a number sequence and touching or moving objects at random .
25 It is ridiculous to suggest that a magazine article , book or even the most expert of instructors can teach you exactly how to perform the complex set of movements involved in , say , gybing .
26 In this particular instance it is ridiculous to think that a married man can never go off and do things which do not involve his wife .
27 But they raise again the issue of how one assesses the importance of different forms of organization within an economy and society , and especially in what sense , and when , it is possible to say that a particular form of organization dominates a system .
28 It is possible to specify that a production should not be a silent movie and the end result is therefore in English .
29 It is safe to assume that a guardian will be appointed in most cases and the rules state that the appointment should be made as soon as practicable after the commencement of proceedings ( FPCR , r10(1) ; FPR , r4.10(1) ) .
30 It is pertinent to recall that an even higher anti-hepatitis C virus prevalence has been found in type-2 ( liver-kidney microsomal ) autoimmune chronic hepatitis .
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