Example sentences of "[pers pn] is [adj] [adv] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 As she is pure , she is fine enough for me . ’
2 ‘ What is good enough for him is good enough for me . ’
3 It is spectacular even in its present , relatively primitive form .
4 The car is travelling at about 100 mph on the straights and braking hard before corners ; but it is stable enough for me to make notes and so quiet in the leather and teak-lined cabin that we can easily hear each other through out helmets .
5 It is revolutionary too in its scope , for it has implications for a whole range of academic subjects in the arts and the social sciences .
6 The story goes that when the House of Commons was discussing this issue , a leading politician was heard to exclaim : ‘ If the Book of Common prayer was good enough for St Paul , it is good enough for me ! ‘
7 That decision was passed unanimously and if it is good enough for us it should be good enough for the Tories .
8 We hear thunder when it is close enough for its highest frequencies to reach us , but it also generates infrasonic sounds which travel much further .
9 It is close enough for me to get on . ’
10 It is simple enough for him to show that a boxing match takes place within a general totality of ‘ boxing ’ , which is itself only ever present in any individual incarnation , for as a game each match is both an individual bout and something conducted according to general rules and a specific social tradition .
11 Or , as John Wisdom was later to put it , ‘ the peculiarity of the soul is not that it is visible to none but that it is visible only to one ’ .
12 It is all up to you — and I decided that I was never going to say anything to her because I had done it all on my own .
13 If my husband goes to Rome then it is all up with me . ’
14 It is all there for you , and we will endeavour to answer any questions that you may have .
15 It is all there at you finger-tips if only you could read it
16 It will take a super-human effort on the part of the players to survive in the top bracket , but they know that it is all down to them now — they will have no excuses if they fail .
17 It is all down to what we have to do in our coming matches .
18 But … if , as they say , this is all in the mind , ie it is all down to your guilty conscience — excuse the expression — why not do something about it ?
19 Anyone who is reasonably skilful can knock up a mounting without difficulty , and it is possible even for someone who is as clumsy as I am .
20 It is permissible only for you to torment me ? ’ he asked thickly .
21 However , among the lucky or sheltered it is common enough for someone to have the uneasy feeling that he is living too comfortably , might find himself unprepared to cope if his present security were to collapse , lacks adequate understanding of miseries outside his experience .
22 I do n't think I have been fooled by artefacts , or overinterpreted my findings , though it is obvious even to me , let alone a critical outsider , that in fitting the data within a temporal cascade I have not formally proved all the necessary biochemical links ; some of my arguments have run dangerously close to the classical trap of assuming that post hoc implies propter hoc ; just because the phosphorylation step precedes the glycoprotein synthesis I can not automatically assume that the latter depends upon the former .
23 Even this severe shaking , however , failed to cause alarm amongst the local people ; they had by that time been living with the eruption for many weeks , and it is remarkable just to what extent familiarity of even something as exceptional as a volcanic eruption can breed contempt .
24 It is natural enough for them to want to acquire knowledge from their elders .
25 But it is clear enough to anyone dealing in checks who thinks about the matter that it is in the public interest to deny collection in those circumstances .
26 In this respect it is incompatible both with what precedes it and more generally with other evidence of classical interpretation .
27 It is hard enough for me to run my practice here , seeing that I am that strange animal , a gentleman .
28 He is near enough for his bulk to cut out the reflection of the sky and so his own reflection does not reproduce his colours but allows us to see into the water .
29 He is answerable only to me .
30 He is important less in himself than in what he says and what he represents .
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