Example sentences of "[pers pn] is [adj] [to-vb] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The evidence of a child who was taught by the ‘ Natural Aurilism ’ method is that at the age of 5 she is able to talk and play with normal children at a normal school and although she may not be as far ahead , the results of this method seem astounding .
2 She is able to inspire and motivate other students to undertake community welfare tasks and she shows qualities of leadership as well as the ability to work as one of a team , close quotes .
3 She is able to eat and drink normally on the day she is admitted but on the following day is allowed nothing at all by mouth for 4 hours prior to surgery .
4 In any case , there are usually distinctions drawn by neighbour and old person alike concerning the nature of the activity which it is appropriate to offer and to accept .
5 It is good to meet and discuss with colleagues how your work is going and to enjoy a day of movement together .
6 It is essential to recognise and develop managerial skills in registered nurses for three reasons .
7 Before starting a product-container compatibility test it is essential to ensure that complete detailed specifications for both the product and the primary container concerned have been received .
8 It is essential to identify and work with any potential co-leader from the beginning .
9 As obvious as it may sound , it is essential to understand and identify the business being sold and the use to which the purchaser will put the assets .
10 But it is right to notice and celebrate the many positive experiences we already have of the activity of women in the church .
11 Is it not simply the case that the underlying analysis becomes more complex because , before knowing whether it is beneficial to build or hold or divest , it is necessary to know the effects beyond the immediate SBU in question ?
12 The third rule is that in general it is better to tax than to borrow .
13 ‘ But if ye do not have self-control , let ye marry , for it is better to marry than to burn . ’ ’
14 He could be Proustian : ‘ It is better to desire than to enjoy — to love than be loved . ’
15 It is better to journey than to arrive : the masterpiece versus fake debate continues over the Getty Kouros
16 Secondly , if a horse is aggressive towards us , it is better to try and get the horse to accept the fact that we are the boss horse , not by punishing it , but by teaching it something .
17 Jenney wondered whether it is better to try and reduce congestion , or to let it increase , if we want fewer people to drive ?
18 Before we look at sociological research and theory on crime , it is necessary to define and make clear what our subject matter is .
19 In either case , in order to obtain and to retain business it is necessary to cultivate and accumulate knowledge of the client 's requirements and of his record , so as to be able to offer him attractive terms .
20 However , before dealing with such topics as the foreign exchange market , euro-currency markets and international agencies it is necessary to examine and understand the economic/financial problems faced by lesser developed countries .
21 : in some environments it is necessary to listen and make notes — speech input would therefore not be suitable .
22 But , as Gordon said at the time , ‘ to maintain my challenge for a place on the national side and even to take part meaningfully in the national squad training , it is necessary to train and play club football at the very highest level ’ .
23 It is necessary to understand and master every pleasure and every pain , every cruelty and every kindness . ’
24 However , to achieve these it is necessary to modify and amplify their proposals .
25 It is ironic to reflect that had he served the Luftwaffe in a similar role to that which he graced in the Royal Air Force , there can be little doubt that he would have been invested with the highest order of the Knight 's Cross of the Iron Cross — with Diamonds , Swords and Oakleaves .
26 It is selfish to try and live out your frustrated ambitions through the life of your child .
27 To illustrate this , it is relevant to remember that driving a car is possible for the fully sighted in foggy conditions , but it is a more tiring procedure than driving when visibility is good .
28 By refusing to include theory , the department is , in effect , refusing to declare its own theoretical standpoint : it must have a standpoint , for it is impossible to judge or measure the correctness of someone 's ‘ affective ’ or ‘ quasi-sensuous ’ response ; yet English departments do examine and judge people 's performance , just like any other department .
29 It is impossible to remember and keep track of all your gestures but you should be careful to avoid the following :
30 It is impossible to see or sense anything here except tourism .
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