Example sentences of "[pers pn] is [verb] to [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The crying sessions faded away and the basically happy and positive person she is began to be evident .
2 Glennis 's voice falters , but she is determined to be positive .
3 Before the marriage she is discovered to be pregnant .
4 Can you tell me what is the maximum level of capital she is allowed to be eligible for this benefit ?
5 In these traditional roles she is shown to be effective .
6 I can see already that she is going to be good .
7 Mr Thomas is a witty writer , and I 'm sure his data-gathering has been impeccable , but somehow I just know the water around him is going to be thick with dorsal fins in February .
8 This is the Monin-Obukhov length ; like the Richardson number it is defined to be positive when the stratification is stabilizing and negative when it is destabilizing .
9 It is easy to see that it is intended to be consistent .
10 It is not made clear whether or not it is intended to be exhaustive .
11 It is intended to be non-competitive and less about following rules than allowing people to express their own feelings and ideas .
12 If a relationship is linked to three entities , as in figure 3.8 , it is said to be ternary .
13 It is said to be easy to upgrade and service because it 's based on standard uniprocessor 50MHz 80486 EISA bus hardware .
14 It is said to be easy to upgrade and service because it 's based on standard uniprocessor 50MHz 80486 EISA bus hardware .
15 Naltrexone is an anti-euphoriant which masks any pleasure from subsequent use of opiate drugs and it is said to be non-addictive .
16 When a bank note can be exchanged for gold on demand at a bank it is said to be convertible or redeemable .
17 It is said to be present , although usually without symptoms , in one in ten people over the age of forty , and in one in three over the age of sixty .
18 M67 is in the field with Alpha ( 4.2 ) ; it is said to be visible with the naked eye , but I have never been able to confirm this , though with binoculars it is very easy indeed .
19 It is said to be visible with binoculars , but I have never been able to see it without a telescope .
20 It is said to be invisible in its natural state but will form into semi-matter under certain conditions , rather like invisible moist air condensing into a filmy liquid on windows .
21 Where a relationship is linked to two entities ( as in the case of the examples in figure 3.3 ) , it is said to be binary .
22 Who is to say that the poorer countries of Europe are to be happy with a dominant Germany just because it is said to be good for ‘ Europe ’ ?
23 U , of spectral type M , appears to be irregular , with a range of from 5.6 to 7.5 ; EU ranges from 6.0 to 6.9 , and is also of type M. It is said to be semi-regular , with a period of around 60 days , but I have never been at all confident about this .
24 If a preferential dividend is provided for , it is presumed to be cumulative .
25 It is easily visible with the naked eye , and is striking in binoculars ; with × 12 there is some resolution of its outer parts , and with × 20 it is seen to be starry .
26 This point may sound very obvious , but it is seen to be crucial when one party to the contract is looking for a way to get out of his contractual obligations and is able to seize upon an ill-defined point .
27 Throughout the early reports there is a constant emphasis on the level and content of the work , in an obvious attempt to stress that adults in ‘ deprived ’ areas are capable of undertaking sustained , demanding education if it is seen to be relevant to their needs .
28 Explain the system carefully and do ensure that it is seen to be fair .
29 It is seen to be fair .
30 It is hoped to be able to use the results of the research to improve the OEDIPUS system .
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