Example sentences of "[pers pn] hold out [pron] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 I held out my hands to them , and kissed each of them in turn .
2 I held out my hands to my father as he came into the room , and he took me in his arms .
3 ‘ Only a rose — ’ I began as I held out my offering to my husband and I was just about to start on the second line when a Yorkshire pudding with onion gravy flew past my head and stuck with a plop on the ceiling .
4 ‘ Yet still you hold out your arms to me with a smile that would melt an iceberg .
5 She had talked of a sex scene when she was on Wogan , but he assumed it would be something more romantic — a magnolia bud of a tit peeping from beneath bed linen as she held out her arms to her lover and the lights went down at the end of the play .
6 Turning to her companion , she held out her arms to be lifted from the saddle .
7 She held out her arms to him …
8 ‘ You must know why I have come , Neil , ’ she said , and she held out her arms to him .
9 She held out her hands to the fire , and said : ‘ Of course , Patrick .
10 The gas burned with a flickering blue light as she switched on the fire in the sitting-room , and for a while she held out her hands to the flame .
11 Then she held out her hand to Eileen and gave it a strong clasp that made her wince .
12 She held out her hand to Charles Briant , ‘ Give me some money , Charlie , take it out of my wages . ’
13 Then she held out her hand to me , and I took it for a second .
14 She held out her hand to him and smiled .
15 Like an automaton , she held out her hand to Nina .
16 Brightening , she held out her glass to Richard and he poured her more wine .
17 She held out her trophy to Cleo and Dauntless .
18 After a time , he held out his newspaper to me .
19 His look of rage vanished and he held out his arms to her , laughing into her face .
20 He held out his arms to her .
21 And when he held out his arms to her she stepped forward into his embrace , knowing full well she would only attract more interested looks if she refused .
22 He held out his arms to her .
23 He held out his arm to Tabitha .
24 He held out his hand to her .
25 He held out his hand to me , palm up .
26 He held out his hand to her , feeling , unusually for him , guilty .
27 He held out his hand to her , and she took it , laughing .
28 He held out his hand to Jehana .
29 Here , ’ he held out his hand to her with a little smile , ‘ take my hand to show you forgive me for alarming you . ’
30 He held out his hand to his junior master and composed his face into a solemn expression of trust .
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