Example sentences of "[pers pn] hold out [pron] [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 I held out my hand and he took it .
2 She held out her dish and Vi spooned it full .
3 She held out her arms and spread her fingers gracefully , pleasuring herself in Donald 's admiration .
4 She held out her arms and tried desperately to grab at Jones 's reins , but three quarters of a ton of racehorse hit her head-on at nearly forty miles an hour and the three went down in a heap .
5 She held out her arms and gave Anne a quick , fierce hug .
6 To his surprise she held out her hand and gave him , once again , that extraordinary , attractive smile .
7 She held out her hand and I took it .
8 When the nurse left the room , she held out her hand and touched her sister 's cheek .
9 She held out her hand and Julia shook it , saying :
10 She held out her hand and he looked at her , his amber eyes serious , before taking her in his arms .
11 Silas introduced them , and in an effort to make amends for the earlier incident on the highway she held out her hand and spoke quietly .
12 We passed Swire Sugden out for a walk and when he saw us he held out his arms and mouthed a farewell .
13 Then he held out his arms and she went into them , laughing , wiping out the days they had been apart in that one eager meeting .
14 He held out his arms and she flew into them , wrapping her arms tight round him and hugging him hard .
15 He held out his arm and pushed back the sleeve of his overall and there was a rectangle of puckered ruddy skin .
16 When Jean-Claude emerged from the hide-out , he held out his arm and dragged me into the dark cave .
17 He held out his hand and she took it , though his touch made her want to shudder .
18 He held out his hand and angled the blue gemstone of his ring to her face .
19 He held out his hand and she gave it to him , watching him as he put it to his lips , her eyes fixed in an almost mesmerised stare .
20 He held out his hand and Libby found hers being shaken , slowly at first , then harder , until she began to laugh because when he looked at her his eyes were n't like those of the blind man any more .
21 He held out his hand and the Mason crushed it inside his own until tears stood in the boy 's eyes .
22 He held out his hands and she put hers into them , unresisting as he pulled her close and bent his head to hers .
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