Example sentences of "[pers pn] must [verb] been [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When the mare basins were excavated the fragmentary material beneath them must have been compressed to a higher density than before .
2 However , unconsciously I must have been riddled with remorse for so neglecting my duties .
3 You must have been blown in there by the blast of the bomb .
4 Those two had a photo to watch for you coming off the plane — which means you must have been followed to Helsinki Airport .
5 In order to qualify for these national insurance benefits , you must have been married to your husband on the date he died .
6 She 'd lost of course all modesty , if she ever had any , but she must have been reared like a pig … her language was indescribably common and coarse , and whether eating , drinking , speaking , washing or even pissing , her vulgarity and idiocy were intolerable .
7 ‘ Whoever it is has presumably been coming regularly since last November so he or she must have been seen by other people .
8 Others , that she must have been born with it .
9 She must have been born before his return to Ayrshire but whether or not her name was changed is not known .
10 Birth dates are not given on marriage certificates , only ages , and his mother 's was there as twenty-five , which meant she must have been born in 1926 and have been twenty-seven when he was born .
11 She must have been warned of the dangers .
12 Yet they were here today in gratifying numbers , a double row of Larks looking very bronzed and weathered from striding over those ancestral acres , which men like her husband and Lizzie Braithwaite 's husband could never possess ; and their cousin , Colonel Covington-Pym , Master of Foxhounds , with his rather glorious , highly intimidating wife , a tall , red-haired woman who could be seen in Frizingley sometimes wearing a black riding-habit so tight that she must have been stitched into it — Linnet said — and mounted on a colossus of a horse very nearly the same colour as her hair .
13 At the very minimum they must have been made on the basis of a police guarantee that matters would be manipulated so that courts would not impose additional punishment for the illusory offences .
14 These tortoise holes are often so long — up to forty feet — that judging from the tortoise 's slow rate of excavation they must have been made by several generations and are probably several centuries old .
15 After all , they must have been engaged until relatively recently for Lucy to get her facts mixed up like that …
16 Found hidden in a cist at Ballynaughton were 74 coins , the latest of which was an Elizabeth issue before 1561 , so they must have been deposited in the early part of her reign .
17 This explains the abundance of deltaic sediments in the stratigraphical record of the continental areas , but one must also expect that such sediments will either not exceed a critical maximum thickness , such as that suggested above , or they must have been deposited in a tectonically subsiding trough .
18 And he concluded , quite soberly , that they must have been visited by muse .
19 And he went to them , and he found that they had n't a clue what they 'd written , and he concluded , quite soberly , that they must have been visited by a Muse .
20 They must have been attracted by the fringe benefits . ’
21 Thus , where substantial quantities of the same material equipment or products are discovered , archaeologists tend to assume that they must have been produced by the same people .
22 Bourke claimed that Blake brought his two-way radio with him when he escaped and both radios were left at Bourke 's flat in Highlever Road where they must have been found by the police when they raided the flat on I January 1967 .
23 They must have been used by the painter of the bull depicted on the flat side of a crystal plaque found at Knossos .
24 Many colonnades , staircases , doorways and corridors open on to the Central Courts and , if the bull dance really did take place there , they must have been protected in some way from the rampaging bulls .
25 That fact alone makes it clear that they must have been preceded into the air by other vegetarian forms which , judging from the primitive nature of their anatomy , were probably cockroaches , grasshoppers , locusts and crickets .
26 And there also , in an earlier picture , was the brown bear fur coat : Dorothy , flanked by Helen and Edward as children , stood on a pavement against a background of London taxis and buses — they must have been caught by a street photographer on one of those pantomime or ballet outings .
27 He must have been born in the middle ‘ thirties , when hunger was already rampant .
28 Dot thought that he must have been moved to a different hospital .
29 He must have been hit by a stone .
30 The ugly weal across his throat told its own story of why he was unable to say what had happened , although the gamekeeper believed he must have been swept from his horse by the low-lying branch of a tree .
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