Example sentences of "[pers pn] think he could [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 I like the way that Rob McCaffrey 's commentary allows you time to enjoy the action , although I thought he could pay a little more attention to his scripting in places .
2 The originator of the tapes has clearly decided to make his tape deck pay for itself ( although I think he could take a few hints on how to eliminate unwanted hum and noise ) and the result can only be described as a rip off .
3 He was a fool to expect anything other than he got , however : surely only vanity could have made him think he could seduce a mob of Madness fans ?
4 And here were people who wanted him not just for the name on the letter-head , but because they thought he could make a positive contribution .
5 He had not seen her face , which she kept covered with a scarf , but he thought he could put a name to her .
6 As Endill approached him he thought he could hear a loud ticking coming from his direction .
7 He thought he could hear a growing murmur outside .
8 By prodding his memory he placed Anna Beckett as the strange , dark little girl who was fostered with Mrs Wooldridge , his laundry woman , and with his new knowledge he thought he could see a slight resemblance to Sarah , though it would never be remarked upon .
9 Peering closer he thought he could see a smear roughly the same length on the jacket pocket , but the cloth was too dirty for him to be sure .
10 Composure regained , Richard said he thought he could see a good hold but was not totally sure ; hence the rapid retreat .
11 He thought he could see a figure moving in front of him .
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