Example sentences of "[pers pn] into [art] [noun] [coord] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Also , do n't think that it will put you into a trance or make you say or do stupid things .
2 When we 're both naked , I 'd like to take you into the water and soap you .
3 Not in an evil way at all , but if you gave him half a chance he 'd hammer you into the ground and stamp on you .
4 Gather together favourite recipes , make them into a booklet and sell for funds .
5 Inkwells were let into the top of the desks and each Friday afternoon the ink monitors from Standard Seven would arrive with trays , collect these inkwells , take them into the lobby and refill them with very watery ink from a small water can .
6 We need to bring them into the light and recognise them so that we may dispatch them . ’
7 The pitmen remain underground for eight or nine hours at a time and invariably take food down with them into the pits and eat it with unwashed hands and without a knife and fork .
8 ‘ You 'll have to invite them into the vicarage and try and dissuade them , and then when they 're stubborn you 'll have to elaborate on the Christian concept of matrimony . ’
9 They were incapable of experiencing any emotions , their bloodstreams devoid of blood yet flowing with drugs to sustain their pitiful physical states until he received the call , the dreaded call to wheel them into the lift and press the green button .
10 But you liked those erm were they countryman 's or ploughman 's in a packet and you just throw them into the pan and cook it for about fifteen minutes ?
11 They had to help me into the house and let me rest in a chair .
12 ‘ Idiot that I was , I was crass enough to insist , since I could n't see her privately ; to push her into a corner and tell her … tell her — oh , lord , I must have been mental ! — that if I could n't see her privately I would n't see her ever again . ’
13 Wait ! ’ he laughed as he pushed past her into the kitchen and put the bags on the table .
14 The two girls instantly shot her into the oven and shut the door ; took their knitting , their comb and brush , and ran out of the hut .
15 Three of them , catching a youth who is trying to push a bicycle through a snowdrift , tip him into the gutter and stuff his shirt with snow .
16 As soon as the boy left I 'd pull him into the alley and take it from him .
17 They tied him into the car and set it alight .
18 Sometimes he 's so determined he 's not going to go that we have to forcibly put him out of the door and get him into the car and get him there somehow .
19 They took him into the house and shut the door .
20 Rain had to choose whether to let him pass or lead him into the house and try to steer him away from the kitchen .
21 And I am if at five minutes to five , or five minutes to leaving off time whatever it was and you would n't say well we 'll get ready to go home you had to pick a half a link up make it into a staple and throw it in the box .
22 He brought it into the kitchen and put it in the Aga .
23 Sink it into the soil and snip off any shoots growing over the rim .
24 Lightly scratch it into the soil or mulch the surface so that the bacteria can get at it — they are the chaps that do the work and unlock it .
25 Then , taking a large sheet of blotting paper , sink it into the water and bring it up , flat , beneath the seaweed .
26 As a layer of gravel will be put into the base of the jar to help weight it down these slots should be just above this layer otherwise a strong powerhead could pull it into the pipe and block it .
27 ‘ The vessel , from Bangor Marina , was half-sunk , but the Hummer and the lifeboat managed to tow it into the harbour and beach it on a mud bank , ’ the spokesman said .
28 ‘ Should I book 'em on a charge of indecent behaviour in a public place … or should I jes ’ book 'em into a motel an' let 'em git on with it ? ’
29 Then spit 'em into a handkerchief and hide it under the pillow . ’
30 To bring us into the warren and tell us nothing .
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