Example sentences of "[pers pn] know [conj] it is [adv] " in BNC.

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1 As a result of reading your article , I know that it is either an MFM or RLL type , but is there any way of finding out which one ?
2 Bill : I know that it is n't always possible but the idea is not only not to feel guilty if you do , but to feel quite happy about it and about your lover/lovers doing it too .
3 But now , she thought , I know that it is not so .
4 Since I know that it is not , then my use of it is a bit of rhetoric .
5 Therefore I know that it is not a matter of you using good sense in rejecting advances from young men because you would soon be parted from them .
6 I know that it is not always easy to maintain enthusiasm and commitment in the midst of a severe recession with the inevitable consequences of financial restraint , colleagues being made redundant , and this year , losses at Group level .
7 I know that it is there , and if only , if only I can choose the right words , and if only I can tap the exact right source of power , then I shall see it ignite and flare into life .
8 Do you know that it is far better to train by reward than by punishment ?
9 This time , however , you know that it is not true .
10 You know that it is extremely risky to leave the choice late and that , at the very latest , you must be organised in time to have a good look at the proposed field and to get into a good position for a proper base leg .
11 But how do we know that it is vocationally advantageous to study history or to put it the other way round , that to study history is not vocationally disadvantageous ?
12 ‘ In our party we know that it is not the State that builds the success of a Nation .
13 It is not always in the right and we know that it is not .
14 We know that it is fairly uncommon for adult relatives to share households today : only 12 per cent of households contain three or more adults and not all of these will involve relatives sharing ( Social Trends , 1988 , p. 36 , table 2.2 ) .
15 They know that it is not as important as good health , a contented mind , or that gift that the poet Ruth Pitter said was the one she would choose , above all others , to bestow upon a child at birth — ‘ love in old age ’ .
16 Local accountability has gone out of the window ; Ministers no longer even talk about it , because they know that it is not a reality .
17 However they put aside their competitiveness ( the Caledonian and Balmoral in Edinburgh , for example , are fighting for exactly the same guests ) because they know that it is only by working together , as one body , that they will attract visitors to Scotland in the first place .
18 He knows that it is also dualistic .
19 Paul , a third-year English student at Manchester Polytechnic , clearly despairs of his younger colleagues who leave home intent on making whoopee on a grant ; he knows that it is almost inevitable that they will run smack into debt midway through their courses .
20 He also emphasizes that the chief executive should take into account the power structure of the organization , be careful to choose the right time to promote initiatives , and , in particular , avoid committing himself publicly to a specific objective or action until he knows that it is definitely what he wants and that he can get the support .
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