Example sentences of "[pers pn] could [verb] [verb] her [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ There was little I could do to set her mind at rest except be myself , but I think they feel comfortable with me now .
2 I could have brought her Undry so easily , she thought ; but I left it at Ben Hesketh 's … and then told Adam we should take it to Andernesse …
3 I could have bitten her head off .
4 It was the only thing she could do to safeguard her sister .
5 Little as she relished the idea , she supposed she would have to go up there before the light went altogether — see if there was some kind of signal she could make to advertise her presence .
6 This meant she could continue to level her basilisk stare ( the one which she reserves for special enemies ) at selected MPs .
7 There was no way she could have turned her back on Suzie : charming , vivacious , affectionate Suzie .
8 She could have saved her breath , for , clearly not interested in her protest that there was no need , he intimated a place on a column by the door where she should put up her foot — and stood by , waiting none too patiently .
9 She could have drawn her gun , walked up to them all , and killed them all quickly .
10 Whether this was Islamic modesty was hard to tell — she could have got her shift stuck in a tree-trunk .
11 She could have , easily ; she could have forgotten her head after last night !
12 A pretty little thing like her , with her picture in the papers — she could have had her pick of men .
13 She could have had her pick , that one .
14 ‘ But ye promised it was the last , ’ Winnie said , the drunken Rab ; and she could have pulled her hair and needed a pee but was frightened to leave Rab alone .
15 She could have told her guest that the midges were like little piranhas of the air ; but she had n't , and now Betty had found out for herself .
16 His instructions had been so clear , and so often repeated , that Leonora felt she could have found her way blindfolded in the dark .
17 And the windows on the ground floor at least were too high to reach , otherwise she could have sacrificed her sweater to hang out like a flag of distress .
18 If she could have admitted her folly at the beginning it would have been all right , but the longer it went on the harder it became .
19 She could have bitten her tongue off , letting herself be carried away like that .
20 She could have bitten her tongue .
21 She could have bitten her tongue the moment the words left her mouth .
22 She could have bitten her tongue out for asking it .
23 As soon as the words were out , she could have bitten her tongue , but it was too late .
24 The ferry closed on its starfire , Jez let its luminous wonder account for the flashes of terrified imminence she could see crowning her reflection in the viewports .
25 When Julie took on the role as Ruth in The Life And Loves Of A She-Devil , it could have destroyed her confidence in her femininity for ever .
26 It could have saved her life ! ’
27 Was n't there one word of sympathy he could offer to ease her sorrow at having loved and lost him ?
28 But he doubted if he could have stood her voice for a full evening ; it grated on him when she chatted him up over the counter .
29 Was there any way he could have traced her call or picked up background noise and was now rushing downtown in a wild attempt to snatch the film from her ?
30 He could have spanned her waist between his hands and , had they been standing closer , the top of her head would not have reached his shoulder .
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