Example sentences of "[pers pn] can not make a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 J said : " The cases are quite clear that you can not make a valuer an arbitrator by calling him so or vice versa " .
2 If that happens you can not make a will .
3 You can not make a mistake . ’
4 You can not make a habit of coming here . ’
5 A record-player will translate information carried as undulations in a groove into sound , but not back again : you can not make a record by shouting at the loudspeaker of a record-player .
6 We can not make a judgment without knowing what your resources are . ’
7 If God really has disclosed himself in a Son ; and if that Son was characterised by his possession of the Holy Spirit which he has passed on to his followers then we can not with t denying Christ maintain that God has revealed himself a much in Buddhism as in Christianity ; we can not make an amalgam of religions as if we were all honest seekers after a God who hides himself .
8 Governments argue that they can not make a development omelette without breaking heads .
9 If they can not make a living from the Herdwick the breed will disappear , which would be an irrevocable loss of an animal which is such an important part of the Lakeland landscape .
10 ‘ If your own family is so badly brought up , ’ thundered a Scottish columnist , ‘ so lacking in moral fibre that it can not make a go of its marriages , what price all those Christmas homilies ? ’
11 Within a given political economy where there is a ‘ free ’ market for labour ( taking this , hypothetically as given ) , labour becomes so plentiful and therefore cheap that it can not make a living .
12 This type of jig has limitations ; it can not make an ellipse , any part of which is covered by the jig .
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