Example sentences of "[pers pn] can [be] [verb] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 This can be seen by computing the scalar invariant given here by ( 9.22 ) Using ( 9.6 ) and ( 9.13 ) , I can be seen to be unbounded when for all values of k 1 and k 2 in the required range ( 9.9 ) .
2 In this she can be considered to be the founder of district nursing .
3 That way you can be seen to be doing a good job and will have more opportunity for improving your pay and possibly being promoted .
4 I think you can be oppressed through being exploited , harassed , discriminated against ; or through being ignored and looked straight through .
5 In the sense that these parties have provided the electorate with a clear either-or choice in both countries for many years , they can be said to be doing their job .
6 Distributors and retailers selling " own brand " goods can be liable if they can be said to be holding themselves out to be the producer .
7 Surpluses on a period of account should not be automatically lost , if they can be demonstrated to be the result of efficient working and not over budgeting , otherwise controllers will ensure that there are no surpluses .
8 Explanations of this kind have a certain political attractiveness — by making training , selection and deployment the target of reform , things can be done , they can be seen to be done , and they can be done relatively cheaply too .
9 Things matter if , as themes , they can be seen to be frequently returned to in the documents and , moreover , to be responding to the stated purposes of Pope John in calling the Council .
10 Because they can be seen to be playing ball and yet benefit .
11 Yet they can be shown to be in some sense the implicit guardians of morality .
12 The proposed development is contrary to the stated policy of the local planning authority where new dwellings in the countryside are normally resisted unless they can be shown to be justified by agricultural need .
13 I do n't think that they can be taken to be in any particular order .
14 Having suggested that the 1960s were characterised by a series of discrete panics around moral issues , there is neither an account — other than an essentially economistic one — of the aetiology of such panics , nor an explanation of the way(s) in which they can be considered to be discrete .
15 The inconvenience which this causes can normally be reduced only by delaying the binding of serial parts until they can be considered to be no longer ‘ current ’ , or by ensuring that the time which they spend off the shelves ‘ at binding ’ exceeds by as small a margin as possible the time required physically to bind them .
16 When a thin section of a basalt is examined under a microscope , it can be seen to be made up of a closely-felted mass of interlocking needle-like crystals of feldspar , a millimetre or so long , with a scattering of more colourful tiny crystals of olivine and pyroxene and some black opaque specks of iron oxides .
17 The document is especially interesting in retrospect because it can be seen to be a fairly crude thought about the need to escape the deadening effects of 16+ examining .
18 Having examined Christianity , he recognizes that if it is true ( as it claims to be and as the third level promises to show how it can be seen to be ) , it does provide the necessary answer .
19 Though the panther 's coat looks totally black , in certain lights it can be seen to be patterned with even darker spots .
20 Finally , the particle hmm is not dismissable as just a " performance error " or a " filled pause " ; it has specific interactional functions , best explicated in terms of the system for taking turns at speaking in conversation , where it can be seen to be ( amongst other things ) a turn-holding device ( see Chapter 6 ) .
21 Nathaniel Houlton , a widower living in Bristol , itemized the details of his coffin in a will drafted on 26 May 1767 : ‘ First , It is my Will and Desire ( if it can be done without being Offensive ) to have my Body kept for the space of One Week at the Least after my Demise , before my Coffin ( which I direct shall have a Double or false Lid , as my late Wife 's had ) , be closed up ; …
22 It can be said to be the wind rustling through the trees , when first heard as the Tsarevich climbs over the wall to find his Princess .
23 And , let it be noted , if 1920 marked the high tide of Bukharin 's leftism , then it can be said to be equally true of the Bolsheviks as a whole , Lenin included .
24 We saw earlier that majority decision-taking , even in the context of direct participatory democracy , poses the problem of how those who oppose the majority position and vote against it can be said to be governing themselves .
25 Indeed , it can be said to be a consequence , but also a cause , of the growth of the academic subject with which this book is concerned .
26 Of course , as recognized by the judge in the above case , if the structure is dictated by function then it can be said to be an uncopyrightable idea although , often that will not be so ; there will be a variety of potential structures possible .
27 If the information has been divulged to sufficient people so that it can be said to be no longer confidential , an injunction will not be of any help ; it would be like locking the stable door after the horse has bolted .
28 This is the recognition of faith , and there is no way in which it can be demonstrated to be valid by appeal to merely historical argument about Jesus .
29 the less experienced teams might prefer to be placed early on in the programme as it can be unnerving to be left waiting ;
30 When tested in the experience of humanity it can be found to be a better explanation of the lives and purposes of men and women than its rivals on the laissez-faire Right or the Marxist Left .
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