Example sentences of "[pers pn] would [adv] [verb] some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd just like some clarification of what , what this resolution from budget review actually means .
2 I 'd also like some advice about a couple of things .
3 Q I 'd really love some oomph in my hair and my hairdresser says I 'll only get it with a perm .
4 I 'd really like some breakfast .
5 ‘ I am sure Miss Bishop and I would both like some champagne . ’
6 I would certainly appreciate some clarification over the use of the CANP service .
7 Then I made the description so precise I would always find some reason to reject each and every candidate .
8 I would really appreciate some help .
9 She 'd probably have some lessons but she ca n't afford it .
10 ‘ Oh , I expect you 'd both like some coffee too . ’
11 She would dearly love some daughters to be able to pass her jewellery on to and , coming from a large family , she enjoys the atmosphere that plenty of children create .
12 It singles out one form of non-marital living arrangement and penalises it ( if the woman sets up house with her sister , her father , her adult children or her lesbian lover she would still have some entitlement to SB ) .
13 Given luck and a good breeze , you would eventually reach some hill pastures and , beyond them , a stile .
14 erm yes , erm it 's very sad that there are people , and something should be done about it , but if you were to have a society , a perfect society , where there was no need for people to sleep out rough , or to sleep rough , you would still find some people who would sleep rough .
15 We 'd rather lose some riders than have any dissatisfied because they chose the wrong holiday .
16 Would we need , we 'd also need some kind of refreshments and er we 'll have to make a decision about lunch .
17 Let's get rid of the T U C itself in its present form , then we 'd really save some money wo n't we ?
18 If the Scottish NFU had only half the fight of the Ayrshire farmers we would really see some action . ’
19 We at the at the initia erm the initial opening as well we 've we would er er offer an invitation to the press and the media to attend our launch meeting er from from this we would hopefully get some advertising in as much as apply to erm and er hope t to get X amount of the market .
20 Jill Kelly has volunteered to set-up the Society stand and man it on Saturday and Elsie Streek will on Sunday but they would both appreciate some help , to give them a break during the day , from amy teacher who will be there .
21 They would probably lose some money , power .
22 ‘ If a company was coming in from Japan or America , they would probably get some sort of aid for creating jobs . ’
23 In this prologue we discuss some of the questions which few beginners seem to have the courage to ask and yet to which they would surely like some kind of answer .
24 They would also require some knowledge of educational method .
25 They would obviously have some idea from the appeal hearing it itself but since they have to put all of their reasons for their request in writing the very least I believe they should be able to have is a reasoned reply .
26 They have talked during the election of improving the Union , and Mr Lang hinted yesterday that they would now seek some sort of consensus .
27 Having taken the trouble to travel all this way in the first place , he 'd doubtless find some means of coercing her to stay .
28 The organisers of the annual EAA Convention , held at Wittman Regional Airport , Oshkosh , Wisconsin , have got things down to a fine art , the event runs like clockwork , in fact it would probably do some airshow organisers in Europe a power of good to pay a visit to Oshkosh and see for themselves how fly-ins , airshows and ground exhibitions can , and should , be run .
29 The only trouble is that it would really need some investment . ’
30 The Criminal Law Revision Committee took the view that , if the law did try to restrict the offence in this way , it would inevitably legalize some cases which should remain contrary to the law .
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