Example sentences of "[pers pn] as [pers pn] [verb] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 Luckily Wolves did n't last night … and Town keep Fraser Digby had springs in his as he pulled off the save of the game …
2 Yeah , as you as you heat up the water the gases boil out of it , so if wanted to get rid of the chlorine in your water , boiling it gets rid of quite a lot , it forces the chlorine t to boil out .
3 Ahead of you as you walk along the length of the piazza is the Casa del Manzoni , Manzoni 's house , a fine nineteenth century building in which the writer lived from 1813 until his death on 22 May 1873 .
4 Kathleen had always rushed for the post , even in the days when their father had laughed at her eagerness and stood above her as she scooped up the white and brown envelopes .
5 Lucien watched her as she gathered up the sticks .
6 The durable li'l lady from Nashville who began her recording career when she was just 11 years old proved age had not mellowed her as she belted out the songs of the Fifties and Sixties which made her one of the best selling female vocalists of all time .
7 ‘ I 've just had a quick word with Carole Meadows , ’ Ross told her as he put down the phone .
8 She burst into tears and Morse walked diffidently over to the settee , where he temporarily displaced the teddy-bear , put his right arm along her shoulder , and held her to him as she sobbed away the storm .
9 Thinking of the crystal spaces , the lines of Kubla Khan unfolded naturally before him as he dawdled up the long terrace of decaying houses .
10 Store manager Richard Northover was dumped there by the two masked raiders who 'd kidnapped him as he locked up the Woolworths store .
11 She watched him as he switched on the light by the bed and drew the curtains .
12 She smiled at him as he put down the drinks .
13 So you 're filtering it before it goes in the machine and still we 're saying , why do n't we filter it as it comes out the machine , before it goes back in the tank .
14 She wondered what they would make of it as she got out the vacuum cleaner and started to run it over the drawing-room carpet .
15 Rickie was literally dancing in circles around me as I walked down the dock towards his sister , but then he paused in his frenetic progress to light one cigarette from the stump of another , and I wondered just what perverted fate decreed that such a boy should receive a legacy of six million dollars .
16 It was this image that accompanied me as I walked down the rue de Fleuve , stopping for a final coup d'oeil at the squat church crouching on its gravel ground .
17 After a while , I turned to watch them as they receded down the hillside — two lumbering animals , with bodies grossly disproportionate to their slender stick-like ankles .
18 Couples and Love , America 's top two golfers this year , were irrepressible , gathering 13 birdies between them as they ripped apart the La Moraleja course , suggested as a venue for the 1997 Ryder Cup .
19 But her black eyes had the same satanic glitter in them as she climbed down the ladder from the gallery .
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