Example sentences of "[pers pn] would [be] [vb pp] to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There 'd be so many other people around that she 'd be cushioned to some degree from the effect of his presence , she had reasoned .
2 Jason Prior was going to come out of this shining like a knight in armour while she would be condemned to eternal darkness , everyone believing it was her fault .
3 then you would be limited to that .
4 Obviously this was no problem to the American buyers who were out in force and I wondered whether within fifty years all the antiques in Britain would end up in America and we would be confined to department-store replicas .
5 It may be that as individuals learn and pray that they would be led to greater personal giving .
6 It may be that as individuals learn and pray that they would be led to greater personal giving .
7 She sought also to argue that he was in error in failing to decide that she had established a grave risk that they would be exposed to physical or psychological harm or otherwise placed in an intolerable situation if their return were to be ordered .
8 If tutors were not doing their job as required they would be reported to National Council and their accredition would be withdrawn , and Institute students could only be taught by accredited tutors .
9 The judge pronounced that , as he was so attracted by the number four , he would be sentenced to sixteen years ' imprisonment , four years for each of his four ‘ marriages ’ .
10 It is true that he would have an answer to those claims because she was in desertion , but nevertheless he would be put to all the trouble , worry and expense of defending himself against them .
11 Philpott had been furious that the Secretary-General had failed to consult him and after several meetings with Graham overruled the decision , accepting Graham on to the team on a probationary basis , on the understanding that he would be subjected to periodic re-evaluation .
12 They thought that he would be committed to tough reform of the welfare laws , that he would set his face against the racial balkanisation of America , that he would support free trade and eschew the idea that great dollops of federal money would revive the economy .
13 Outside the immaculately maintained and smartly guarded naval enclaves , where minds were drilled as thoroughly as bodies in uniformity and obedience , the privilege of royal society was granted on condition that it would be denied to all outsiders .
14 It was planned to fly food to the north-east Kenyan town of Wajir , from where it would be trucked to Somali refugees living in UN camps along the Kenyan border or sent by air into Somalia .
15 But fears that it would be given to poorly educated women or ethnic minorities , without their informed consent , led the Health Minister , Kenneth Clarke , to refuse the drug a full licence last year .
16 If this book were concerned only with the unsolved problem of biology , 90 per cent of it would be devoted to two topics : behaviour and development .
17 For example for ‘ ha ? ’ , if had , hag , ham , has , hat , haw and hay were found to be candidates , it would be left to further stages of analysis of the system to determine which of these is more likely to be the intended word , although they can be suggested in order of their frequency of use calculated from a corpus of English text .
18 At first it would be used to launched satellites at a tenth the cost of the shuttle .
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