Example sentences of "[pers pn] will [adv] [be] [v-ing] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I 'll just be betting horses or chasing women or something like that .
2 I 'll probably be doing hampers next year .
3 I 'll definitely be taking care this time , ’ said Martin , who was allowed out of hospital on Christmas Eve .
4 You 'll probably be ringing people up anyway trying to get them to understand .
5 If you 're converting your loft , or want a fitted bedroom or bathroom , you 'll probably be making use of fibreboards in one shape or another .
6 She 'll still be marrying Nahum .
7 Hopefully you will also be raising money through sponsorship to help selected projects in countries far worse off than our own .
8 We 're constantly reworking songs and I imagine in the next few months we 'll probably be reworking members too .
9 Er , we need to now have some to er cover the cost of proposed adaptations to bring support staff together , which I 'll , which we 've got in hand , and we 'll also be miring money , I think from the salary budget to help with the cost of er the total quality training .
10 But , honestly , I think we 'll just be wasting time if I go on like this . ’
11 We 'll certainly be offering business administration , and may offer the care award , too , in conjunction with the College of Nautical Studies .
12 We 'll certainly be putting firms in touch with others so that they can learn quickly from other experiences as quite a network of firms grew up at the seminar .
13 The project we 're hoping to sponsor , there 's now Friends of the Earth in Ghana , erm who 've Doctor Plumtree quite rightly said , Ghana are working hard on re-forestation schemes , and a scheme that Friends of the Earth is doing is a community re- forestation scheme , because a lot of the re-forestation schemes are from the top down , and they do n't actually get the villagers involved in whatever , so we 'll actually be funding community reforestation schemes , several species of trees , particularly those which help to regenerate the soil , especially if it 's been degraded because the trees have been chopped down , or what-have-you .
14 In addition , to help you get the most out of your holiday , we will also be sending Berlitz Travel Guides to all Sovereign clients taking a holiday in the following destinations : Antigua , Bahamas , Bali , Barbados , California , Egypt , Florida , Grenada , The Grenadines , Hawaii , Hong Kong , India , Jamaica , Kenya , the Maldives , Penang , St. Lucia , Seychelles , Singapore , Sri Lanka , Thailand .
15 This is their opportunity to meet the others in the programme and to find out what they are doing , We will also be briefing participants on the latest pertinent developments outside the programme , as well as the latest administrative news .
16 We will shortly be approaching publishers to discuss the possibility of temporary employment for these students either for a single period or several shorter periods .
17 We will hopefully be informing people about Oxford against the Poll Tax , which is you know very important at this time with Poll Tax bills being sent out next week and it will be hoping to basically raise the profile of the campaign with the elections in mind .
18 They 'll wait it out and they 'll also be keeping Cardiff 's people away .
19 Er because of the problems the stock piles of coal at various pits , I think there is about forty five million tons stocked at various pits , they 'll still be using coal from Bywater and so that there 's no necessity to mine coal in such er vast amount .
20 Some of them will be making a video recording of the items which have been performed in the past and they will also be taking part in an International Festival of Movement and Dance in Edinburgh in April .
21 When he hangs up his gloves he says he 'll just be doing alot more gardening instead .
22 Chuck Peddle 's THStyme Inc is to open its third European subsidiary in Giessen , near Frankfurt in Germany : the new operation is to be headed by Gunter Got ta a veteran of both Tandon and Victor in Germany ; THStyme reckons it will soon be shipping products to Europe from its Russian manufacturing base .
23 The BBC still has its live coverage of the international matches and the NatWest Trophy , and it will also be screening highlights of the other matches but of necessity these will appear at the usual anti-social hours .
24 The BBC still has its live coverage of the international matches and the NatWest Trophy , and it will also be screening highlights of the other matches but of necessity these will appear at the usual anti-social hours .
25 He could well have made a throne for a Medici or a table for the Brighton Pavilion , and he will surely be making pieces in the 1990s that will be starting in their modernity .
26 Rickardsson is to concentrate on Ipswich this year , although he will also be riding league speedway in Sweden and Poland .
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