Example sentences of "[pers pn] do [verb] [prep] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I do s-seem to be b-bogged down . ’
2 I do like to be able to pick a fish up by its head , ’ William Black said , waving a sea bass in rigor mortis at me , before going on to inspect its gills .
3 " I did promise to be ready for nine thirty but those blasted animals just wo n't cooperate . "
4 You did want to be able to go around all them works , what , what was it with the
5 When you get angry you pump all sorts of different chemicals around your body and they do n't do your body any good that 's for sure , you know you get the adrenalin that starts making everything well making the blood move faster heart beat faster you get other chemicals ready and if those chemicals are n't used properly or if something does n't happen and it uses those particular chemicals and they 're left inside the body then that causes eventually physical illness in some sort of physical wearing of some sort or another , so gradually just the opposite of this where you 're you 're not internalising your throwing it out , but there 's a hell of a lot in there that 's been stored up there and bottled up there before it throws out , and when you do tend to be aggressive it 's not because you 're being aggressive on purpose it 's because it 's just something that just happens and wells up when you get to a particular point and whoosh out it comes .
6 its , it , the other truck drivers and I have to say that erm to a certain extent you do need to be forceful and positive because er they need a lot of space to manoeuvre on the road and a lot of people who drive cars do n't quite realize how much space they need and if they wo n't give you the space you have to take it .
7 Firstly , while it goes to great lengths to be friendly and avoid jargon , because it is an American book , you do need to be happy with US slang speech to enjoy it , and sometimes even to understand it , as in ‘ Obtuse code-word sorters divvy those ’ , ‘ Most DOS programs are text-based critters ’ , or ‘ To counter this bad trip , the Windows programmers created a communal work place where all the programs could groove together peacefully ’ .
8 You do have to be polite and well-behaved , and loyal to the Royal Family as well , otherwise you could abuse it terribly . ’
9 But you do have to , you do have to be aware of being too clever for your own good , because they only want a translation .
10 P.S. Mind you , you do have to be able to on-sight Indian Face with an anvil strapped to your chest to become chairman !
11 You do have to be careful , though , because she has no fear .
12 what other departments feel to your to your people , because wha , you do have to be careful about the indoctrination , this is what I believe so it 's right , we 've got ta we do have to strike a balance .
13 You do seem to be fortunate in going to Sandgate .
14 I 'm , I 'm just saying that one way we can see things easily and another way we ca n't , and we do want to check it , we do want to be sure that there is continuity .
15 We do need to be able to show forgiveness in all the things that we do but it is n't easy and Jesus devotion to is a great challenge to us as to just how far we can go .
16 So , sure , we do need rote-learning , we do need to be able to say ‘ Three times four is twelve ’ , we must n't have to work it out on our fingers .
17 But we do need to be wary of inferring too much central direction , partly because this implies that banks or companies were forced into compliance .
18 We do try to be fair to everybody , ’ said a Milk Marketing Board spokesman .
19 I mean , we all know that having to shake tins , the number of people who go past by on the other side , and I think that we do have to be careful with the numbers , and even those people who normally give do get a bit fed up if there are too many .
20 Indeed , if they did appear to be hesitant because of the mixedness in the message , that could be seen as a weakness .
21 If they do appear to be effective for recognition , this will have consequences for the design of pattern recognisers .
22 But they do need to be small enough to fit on the cover without taking up much space , and light enough not to tear the paper .
23 Now Mill seems to be very unsure what to do about this because he does n't want to say that the poor should be disenfranchised , because after all everyone is entitled to their say in government , but he does seem to be worried that if the poor are given an equal say or the uned uneducated poor are given an equal say , then they will make a very bad decision , a decision which is against their own interests and this is one reason why he favours plural voting because he recognizes that the numerical majority might make a erm wrong decision , so we should make sure that the numerical majority do n't have sway in a democratic process by giving another client more weight in it so he seems to between wanting to disenfranchise them altogether which he seems to consider and just emasculating their vote by giving other people more votes .
24 While this is more than adequate for word processing and so on it does tend to be restrictive when considering A4 or even A3 pages .
25 Exercise does not necessarily have to be very vigorous , but it does need to be regular , and for a significant duration .
26 It does seem to be true that proteins of a given kind do evolve at a surprisingly , although not exactly , uniform rate .
27 To take the second element first , it does seem to be true that there is not much mention in Beccaria 's book of reformative effects on the individual offender ; he is far more concerned with frightening off potential offenders .
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