Example sentences of "[pers pn] with [art] [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 William and Mary Ann were there in all their glory , as we might expect : he with a spotted waistcoat and flamboyant flowery buttonhole , she with an expanse of fur on her head and around her shoulders .
2 Even replacing them with the identical brand and model can still leave you with a sense of loss or disappointment .
3 Keeping your home clean will imbue you with a sense of virtue and pride in it , which will reflect positively on your own mood .
4 I repeat it to you with a sense of irony .
5 Come and see me in the studio any time after that and I 'll present you with a couple of bottles of duty-free in compensation for any hassle .
6 It provides you with a range of options which means your mortgage can be custom-built for you .
7 This index provides you with a range of facilities concerning the creation of new users , displaying details of users and the relationships between users .
8 This index provides you with a range of facilities concerning process model operations .
9 It 's about time someone hit you with a dose of reality ! ’
10 Saturday 's sense of imminent gloom and doom fills you with a foreboding of problems to come and difficulties or dangers to be overcome .
11 It 's a bit dull , but it does actually provide you with a level of income that you want .
12 Do n't worry if at first you are hard-pressed for inspiration , as looking through old books of sampler designs , needlework and embroidery books should provide you with a wealth of ideas .
13 Shareware libraries provide you with a program on disk for a ‘ nominal ’ sum — they are providing the program for free , and charging only for the disk , duplicating and administration , all of which includes a small amount of profit , I suppose .
14 Back neck stitches can be run on to a few rows of waste yarn and removed leaving you with a set of shoulder stitches on each side .
15 Do they issue you with a set of questions to ask when you train ?
16 I 've presented you with a lot of information in this article , so remember to take your time and try to practise every day .
17 I think your subconscious decided to provide you with a sort of extract from the main story .
18 It takes you out of your home , out of your immediate family environment and brings you into contact with a much broader range of people , and it provides you with a sort of status .
19 The welcoming committee is already at the landing site , the only problem is they greet you with a hail of lead rather than a red carpet .
20 Midland Lifetime provides you with a balance between protection and investment , so that you can look after your family and save for the future .
21 I 'll leave you with a quote from Justinas Marcinkevicius — People 's Poet of the Lithuanian SSR — introducing Sutkus ' collection Daina Lietuvai :
22 Luckily , David Norbrook has , in his own words , been ‘ greedily inclusive ’ in his Penguin Book of Renaissance Verse , so I 'm spared the temptation to bore you with a shopping-list of titles that should have gone in but did n't .
23 Further to your response to our advertisement in [ publication of date ] /telephone conversation with [ person ] of this office , I can advise you that a confidential Information memorandum has been prepared covering the business of [ Name Limited ] and that our client has agreed to provide you with a copy in exchange for asigned undertaking of confidentiality .
24 Say thank you with a gift of gold from Beaverbrooks .
25 There , it will reward you with a sheaf of spikes 3–5ft tall , their upper parts densely crowded with pale mauve flowers bursting from green spiny bracts .
26 I wo n't trouble you with the percentages of votes cast for them as new managers in the various ballots .
27 ‘ My son was very cross with me for burdening you with the basket of flowers . ’
28 They will help you with the choice of holiday and the selection of accommodation or simply offer you advice if you are experiencing any difficulty in making up your mind .
29 Also , keeping band accounts is useful to familiarize you with the practicalities of money coming in and going out .
30 Item one on M , Mr Chairman , the right of you with the amount of work that has to be done , and the amount of they 're asked for
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