Example sentences of "[pers pn] and the [noun] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 As the gap between the rich and the poor was perceived to be widening , students felt this was bad for them and the country as a whole .
2 Owen distrusted castles unless he had had the ordering of them and the garrisoning for a year or more ; there was infinitely more safety in the hills , because the hills were his castle and not another man 's , and could not be betrayed or easily taken by storm .
3 There is no room between him and the chariot for a groom corresponding to the one holding the reins in the opposite wing ; nor , if the girl is rightly placed , was there one at the horses ' heads .
4 Lesley Harrison , 29 , was knifed by a taxi passenger as she stepped between him and the driver during a row over the fare .
5 It appeared to him suddenly that there was a link between her flouted ambition for him and the ethic of a religion more alien to his own thought than he had ever dreamed .
6 He had been expecting a great difference , but not the extent of the hostility that had greeted him and the reality of a giant Worm wielding enormous electrical energy .
7 ‘ As for Mowbray , he had that bloody parchment on him and the fragments of a seed cake .
8 With a violence born of desperation , he swung at the bottle nearest to him and the mouth of a bottle of Tavel Rosé landed neatly in the pile of Donald 's chicken , allowing pink liquid to pulse on to the plate .
9 Besides , Cecilia had the example of poor Evelina before her and the recollection of a family rumour that a brother of that manufacturing grandfather had died in a lunatic asylum .
10 Anne Boleyn was pregnant ; the King contracted a secret marriage with her and the need for a divorce was urgent to secure a legitimate succession .
11 Tawell now found Sara Hart a nagging inconvenience , and so he shifted her and the children to a cottage at Salt Hill near Slough .
12 He found both her and the Shah in a state of shock , quite confused and uncertain what to do .
13 Golda Meir replied that ‘ if he was ready and willing to confront us and the world with a fait accompli [ i.e. annexation of Arab Palestine ] — the traditional friendship between us would continue and we would certainly find a common language in arranging matters of interest to both sides . ’
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