Example sentences of "[pers pn] have been give a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd been given a date for the baby to arrive but that came and went , but then I woke up in the early hours of the following Friday .
2 I do n't think I could have handled it if I 'd been given a sentence .
3 I 'd been given a hint that something like this could be on the cards when I was first approached . ’
4 I suppose I had been given a sense of the evil of cinema by my strict Methodist grandparents , who were visibly shocked when once I confessed that I had been to see a film on Sunday .
5 I had been given a week 's leave and so I hurried to Hastings as I felt sure that would be my last leave for some time .
6 I had been given a week in Sydney before sailing for New Zealand .
7 I 've been given a transfer .
8 Yes I 'm afraid I 've come in as a a last minute substitute and I feel as if in the eighty ninth minute I 've been given a penalty to take that could win the match or
9 I 've been given a lot of support from fans , especially letters written to me nearer the time .
10 Finally I have been given a gearbox with the number 26107266 on top , 22 stamped on the right between gearbox and transfer box and Marshall 219467 on the side of the transfer box .
11 Members of Schedule I have been given a choice of remaining in that Schedule with an NRA of 60 , or of opting for the new , improved , Schedule II .
12 Q I have been given a poinsettia as an early Christmas present which I am determined to keep healthy .
13 I have arrived , I have been given a number by the Church of Scotland
14 ‘ February 10 — I have been given a dog — a mongrel pup called ‘ Lady ’ , and I have bought a wizard little pony and trap for £70 — a trim grey called ‘ Lucky ’ .
15 classes of which I have been giving a history … a committee which labouring afterwards with Mr. Wilberforce as a parliamentary head did , under Providence , in the space of twenty years , contribute to put an end to a trade which … was the greatest practical evil that ever afflicted the human race .
16 Since talking to me , she has been given a council house about fifteen miles from her family home , so at last she and Sean can get on with their lives together .
17 Some might say that you 'd been given a job and failed to do it .
18 If she 'd been given a test she could have been treated .
19 Dot wished she 'd been given a bed nearer one of the windows so she could see out , or at least by the door .
20 She 'd been given a rail warrant to Lowestoft , where the RTO had handed her over to the navy .
21 It was as if she 'd been given a glimpse of paradise , and then had it barred to her forever .
22 Without consulting her it began to move faster , inciting her lover to a rhythm which he responded to triumphantly , accelerating in time with their heartbeats , taking her with him towards the culmination she 'd been given a foretaste of , which paled in comparison to the flooding rapture which overtook her seconds before Penry gasped , stiffened , then crushed her in his arms as their breathing slowed in the shared diminuendo of the aftermath .
23 Suppose , for example , you 've been given a problem to work on by one of your teachers .
24 And er you 've been given a document by the county and you 'll take your own view on that .
25 If you 've been given a voucher because you have a low income , the value of your voucher may be reduced .
26 You 've been given a reprieve .
27 Then she kissed Auntie Lou on the cheek and said , ‘ Thank you , oh I do thank you , ’ and Auntie Lou smiled and blushed as if she had been given a present .
28 She had been given a chance of survival .
29 She had been given a telephone number in France : Cassis 08.79.30 , Les Roches Blanches , a hotel .
30 After all , she had been given a brain to think with while these patriots were being force-fed The Thoughts of Spiro Agnew , The World According to William F. Buckley and Killing Commies for God and Country .
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