Example sentences of "[pers pn] have also [verb] [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I think the fact that I was abroad at the time may have had something to do with it — having left the country I 'd also left my conscience behind .
2 Before she reached my name I had chosen the wife for Old Red ; when Gwenellen Jones answered I had also chosen my bridesmaid 's dress , asked Matron for an extra holiday , coaxed our fare money out of my father , and was flying out to Singapore with Dickie .
3 ‘ I 'll always care , but I 've also turned my back on it . ’
4 Having written a fairly scathing account of this approach in draft , I sent it to John Austin Baker ( as I have also sent my account of their work to Christian feminists whom I discuss in this book for comment ) only to receive a delightful letter from him which rescinded much that he had written , explained that he had been given the title , and essentially agreed with my criticism !
5 I have also mentioned our desire for cross-screen scrolling of KWIC and the ‘ more context ’ options ( screens £32 , £33 ) and he is to look into that as well .
6 I have also disclosed my intention for the effect that the book will have .
7 Result — a ready-to-use paint brush — and you 've also prevented your steel brush from rusting !
8 I mean , you know , when you think of what you 're paying as a , the other gentleman was saying , we are paying the thirty four pound twenty two pence a month , then you 've also got your poll tax above that , and then your mortgage as well !
9 But you 've also got your option of calories .
10 And you 've also brought your soul to bear on the work of the Board and the work of the church .
11 Oh , she loved Lizzy with all her being , Evelyn knew that , but she had also channelled her energy into her work .
12 She had also made her mark in the plum role of Jo in the original London and Broadway productions of A Taste of Honey , Shelagh Delaney 's play about a working-class girl who reluctantly faces motherhood after an affair with a black sailor , and finally chooses a life without men .
13 If she had also left her name and address they could have been parcelled up and posted to her — but she had n't .
14 While Britain had given the United States wholehearted support in Korea , she had also shown her independence by what the Americans saw as over-precipitate recognition of Communist China , and by Attlee 's personal efforts to dissuade Truman from extending the war to mainland China and from using atomic bombs to settle the conflict .
15 She was suddenly tired of all the evasion , her own included ; she had also had her fill of conversational shock tactics .
16 She had also taken my advice and acquired a poodle puppy .
17 I thought we had also faced our trial by Fire , when in 1983 we had ignored government safety warnings and climbed the newly erupting " Child of Krakatoa " volcano in the Sunda Straits .
18 We have also increased our stock of translated materials .
19 Not only that , but we have also become our work in many ways .
20 We have also extended our gas turbine testing facilities in Aberdeen and our two specialist companies , Turbine Engineering Services and Gas Turbine Fuel Systems , have both significantly increased their market penetration .
21 By concentrating on that , they 've not only improved their service level remarkably but they 've also reduced their stock levels at a number of warehousing points and reduced their cost structure . ’
22 The Government 's commitment to the coal industry has been clear over the past 10 years or more ; they have also shown their commitment to a successful future for the industry .
23 To reflect the change in knitting habits they have also changed their name from Brockwell Wools to Brockwell Yarns .
24 He has also modified his fitness regime , which last year resulted in him putting on 10lb — he weighed 15st 5lb — and increased his neck size an inch to 17½ .
25 He has also cracked his skull and still carries the scar .
26 It has also declared its intention to help develop new environmental industries .
27 The use of these somewhat esoteric labels may obviate the difficulties of using terms which have a common and often imprecise meaning for a precise purpose — a problem which has afflicted the understanding of Hirst 's work — but it has also limited their circulation , and outside the rather enclosed world of curriculum theory , Phenix 's work is largely unknown .
28 While the tour is an exciting musical event in its own right , it has also provided its organiser , Miss Chadwick , with the chance to renew her links with the North and its musical scene .
29 The death of his beloved grandfather had brought him misery but , at the same time , it had also given him strength .
30 The court heard he had also lost his job .
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