Example sentences of "[pers pn] have just been [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 I 've just been at a two day conference at erm not very far from here , at Wisden House in which erm a number of erm top industrialists erm led by the former chairman of I C I have all unanimously been saying how bad they think it is for our future technological development and export development if overseas students get out of the habit of coming here .
2 Mark and I have just been for a walk beyond Dalseattie , which was nice until the mist came down and began to make us rather damp .
3 I mean , alright a few mad things happened and everything and when I came home I was whacked because we 'd just been on a big adventure theme park for a month .
4 We 've just been through a decade where we watched surface responsibility get peeled away from a lot of people and institutions . ’
5 And when I asked his orchestra 's publicist if Daniel Barenboim would really want to be interviewed immediately after such a lengthy spell of high-altitude incarceration , she said : ‘ He came in by Concorde , he 's just been on a two-week skiing trip with his family in Switzerland — believe me , he 'll be just fine . ’
6 Over lunch I overheard Bernadette say to Sarah who 'd just started with us then , Ricky 's a bit strange at the moment because he 's just been on a course , but he 'll be better next week .
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