Example sentences of "[pers pn] have just [verb] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And another of them has just come out after doing time for burglary . ’
2 The big one looked down at me as if I 'd just crawled out from under .
3 The following morning , I 'd just got out of bed when he started barking to get out .
4 I 'd just got out of bed — I was half asleep , ’ she tried , without much conviction .
5 I made sure I looked as if I 'd just got out of bed and dressed in a hurry — hence no socks and the sweatshirt — and went down to front garden to wave them in .
6 I was unable to pay more than the $100,000 I had just forked out for his British rights , so he sold Leslie Waddington a batch too .
7 It would n't be much good telling them I had just popped out for a breath of air this street led to both the bus and railway stations and it would n't need a genius to rumble my little game .
8 at the time , I thought , ‘ This is ridiculous , I 'm holding these boys back ’ because I was also managing a singer called Marc Bolan , and in the quieter moments , he and David would decorate my office to fill in the time , but I said to them that I had just run out of money and could n't afford to carry on — I 'd taken no commission from either of them at the time — so I went off to Spain to think about my next move and released them both from their contracts . ’
9 ‘ I was in Switzerland on a pre-season tour and I had just missed out on sign ing Dean Saunders , ’ he said .
10 I was twenty-one , I had just come out of Sweden and my eyes were like saucers .
11 I had just come out of one of my planning meetings and I metaphorically banged the table and said ‘ I know exactly what you should do . ’
12 I had just got out of bed and was reaching for my dressing gown when an explosion shook the house .
13 For example , consider the following exchange : A ( to passer by ) : I 've just run out of petrol B : Oh ; there 's a garage just around the corner Here B 's utterance may be taken to implicate that A may obtain petrol there , and he would certainly be being less than fully cooperative if he knew the garage was closed or was sold out of petrol ( hence the inference ) .
14 See , and I 've just made out of the stomach .
15 You must think I 've just crawled out of my crib ! ’
16 I said , ‘ Look , you know I 've just come out of Holloway after being on remand . ’
17 I 've just come out of hospital .
18 ‘ As you can see , I 've just come out of the bath , ’ Shae said , striving to remain polite , when every instinct in her soul was screaming at her to send the actress running with her tail between her legs .
19 So I 've just come out of the goodness of my heart to warn you to save yourself while you can : you 'll lose Hugo — where is he , by the way ?
20 No he 'd love that though cos he could come round and go shit I 've just come out of rehab and everyone would go oh wow man you must be really drugged out .
21 Well I 've just come out of the debate which has just finished on the Palestine and Israel situation and er we passed the voting paper which will become policy for the party , calling for er a non-violent solution recognising the P L O and urging the U N to facilitate negotiations between Israeli government and the P L O.
22 She shakes me gently by the hand and announces quietly , ‘ I 've just got out of the bath . ’
23 Occasionally flicking back a stray blonde hair , Mrs Bottomley comes to the despatch box as if she has just leapt out of a hair spray advert .
24 I thought she 'd just popped out of her house like to have her hair done .
25 Charlie was dead keen on Lilian doing him credit and she always did , always looked as if she 'd just stepped out of a bandbox .
26 she 'd gone out , she 'd just slipped out with Alice for something
27 It 's pretty hard to think about that when you 've just gone out of a Grand Slam event as early as that .
28 ‘ You look ravishing — as if you 've just stepped out of Botticelli 's painting , Primavera , ’ he murmured .
29 Well first of all , can I actually correct some of the gross prejudices and inaccuracies that you 've just sent out across the air , which are , frankly , extremely unhelpful .
30 You 've just come out on my side of the argument .
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