Example sentences of "[pers pn] have be [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If I 'd been in cold sobriety I would never have married her .
2 I had been at great pains to appear distant towards him and been more successful than I had thought I could be .
3 According to these ladies , I had been at certain times a pirate , a builder , a healer , a spiritual teacher , a red Indian and a nun .
4 I had been on low-calorie diets and diets out of newspapers , but I just could not stick to them .
5 She was built like a javelin thrower , but she blushed and I knew I had been in good hands .
6 Having been confined to a wheelchair for 18 years I had been in similar situations to this .
7 ‘ He had every reason not to take me seriously as a soldier as he knew how idle I had been in prior days in Layforce . ’
8 I had been in constant pain , since my accident , for nearly two years when I stumbled across the Alexander Technique .
9 I 've been on automatic pilot for 25 years .
10 I 've been on thyroid tablets since 1939 , but they do n't affect me ’
11 really s I 've been to dental hygiene cos I thought
12 Yes and er if I might s oh I er do n't know I 've been to bloody shop meself but I ai n't sorry about it , cos I 've done what I 've wanted to do and I 've enjoyed what I 've done and erm the authorities they get 'd me that on er hardship grounds there , as I say , being on er residential premise and er they showed me great respect and er
13 I 've not been against lines of communication , I 've been against excessive expenditure on such .
14 I 've been in regular contact with Earl 's Court Project and a lot of my friends down there .
15 I 've been in traditional sales .
16 I travelled the country well , I 've been in other authorities both labour controlled , been in to schools , been in old peoples homes , erm seen their roads , or driven over their roads , and I can assure you , that er in Lincolnshire .
17 ‘ I was here in good shape , but I 've been in good shape at other championships and failed .
18 K. R. I 've been in tough houses — they would n't come out to help us but they 'd form a ring and let you fight — they would n't just all join in to back somebody up .
19 But I have been in regular contact with Ali Bacher and he assures me there are no problems over the tour and that it is definitely on . ’
20 Gray said : ‘ I have been in similar situations before as a player .
21 I have been in close contact with him in that apartment for three weeks and I 'm convinced he genuinely tried to secure that young man 's release safe and unharmed . ’
22 This crypt-room is so stuffy , the walls squeeze in , I 'm listening for him as I write , the thoughts I have are like bad drawings .
23 She has been in private use in Scandinavia only , and is very well equipped .
24 Though the 27-year-old Scot has yet to win the championship she was third last year , on her comeback following pregnancy she has been in unbeatable form since her 10,000 metres World Championship triumph in Tokyo , winning the New York Marathon , setting a world indoor 5,000 metres record and lapping all of her 3,000 metres rivals in the Great Britain v USA indoor international last weekend .
25 she has been in numerous exhibitions since graduating from Goldsmiths ' College and the Salde School of Art .
26 You were so much older than me , you 'd been through broken relationships before and knew how to cope with them .
27 Now she 'd done some training as a secretary — she 'd been to secretarial college .
28 She 'd been in commercial radio for eleven months following nearly three years on a regional newspaper ; she reckoned to stick around this particular station for another two years at the most .
29 Remember we keep talking about tourism as being fashionable , it 's fashionable to say you 've been to certain destinations .
30 Now , you may not realize it but you 've been in civil litigation and criminal litigation , you 've been doing advocacy all term .
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