Example sentences of "[pers pn] have be [verb] over the " in BNC.

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1 Much interest was expressed from personnel across the system in the work in which I had been involved over the last eleven years with Queensland Catholic Education .
2 On the other hand no one else did the work I had been doing over the past year .
3 ‘ When the police told me everything I had been doing over the last month it totally freaked me out . ’
4 Somehow , step by precarious step , I had been drawn over the invisible divide and was now truly a part of the family hareem .
5 but the strong impression I had is walking over the hill from Kettleborough where the gun club now is walking down into this valley and seeing that view of this little end of the village nestling in the hollow and I can remember feeling a extraordinarily strong sensation that I could easily live there
6 And this ’ — he spread an arm out — ‘ is the amateur group I 've been supporting over the past years . ’
7 The images I 've been doing over the past few years are like great sculptures , the weather has been getting to them and they are crumbling , their faces have cracks in them .
8 The images I 've been doing over the past few years are like great sculptures , the weather has been getting to them and they are crumbling , their faces have cracks in them .
9 That 's what I 've been doing over the last few days . ’
10 Sir , — I have been puzzling over the purpose of P. Cowan 's ‘ Democracy ’ letter .
11 ‘ Miss Russell and I have been talking over the past . ’
12 But she admitted she has been thrilled at the response the records bring and the millions of fan letters she has been sent over the years .
13 Threats had been made to her and the children and in the end she had been driven over the edge .
14 Conversely , if you have been papering over the cracks of a relationship these same eclipses will seek them out .
15 What it means for the homes is that they 're going to have to take a what we 've been doing over the last two or three years is gradually improving the staffing levels in our elderly people 's homes , because the dependency levels in those homes are getting very high .
16 We have been asked over the years to vote for a freeze on medical school places when juniors were unemployed , for more manpower when they were overworked , and for more consultants when they were having problems with their careers .
17 The period of calm after the year-end 1992 figures were out of the way and digested ended with a bang this week as Wall Street woke up to what we have been flagging over the past month — that estimates for IBM Corp 's first quarter performance were far too high , and that virtually no business was being done .
18 It will be a real chance to learn in a practical way many of the things we have been studying over the last few months .
19 ‘ What we have been doing over the last few weekends is exercising our right to search someone if we have a reasonable belief that they are carrying a weapon , ’ said Mr Wood .
20 We have been doing over the past few nights
21 On the fifteen-mile drive , they had been instructed over the radio to stop on the outskirts of St Petersburg , where the woman was transferred to an unmarked car .
22 Several other infinitely more damaging conversations involving him have been taped over the past few weeks .
23 By contrast , I make it clear that Labour believes it is right and just and should be the first priority for pensioners to get an increase of £5 a week for a single pensioner and £8 a week for a married couple , given the mean and miserable way in which they have been treated over the past decade .
24 You might think the only safe course is straightforward , sound , economic government and you might wonder therefore why so rarely in recent years Governments have practised it , except when they have been hit over the head by external forces and events that they could n't resist .
25 The literature on accounting theory is relatively new ( the bulk of it has been generated over the last 50 years ) , and it has , until recently , been almost exclusively concerned with public limited companies ( Whittington , 1986 ) .
26 David Cross talks about how it has been portrayed over the centuries .
27 Built in the 15th Century , it has been modernised over the years , but maintains much of the original style .
28 He 'd been slumped over the freezer for some minutes before anyone realised anything was wrong , ’ he said .
29 It had been welded over the preceding decades by the authoritarianism of manager Bill Struth , staunch Presbyterian traditions , the famous ‘ iron curtain ’ defence and tough captains like Big George Young .
30 In 1167 his army had been decimated before Rome by an outbreak of malaria ; and he had been chased over the Alps in humiliating disaster ; but still he plotted and planned to return to the task .
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