Example sentences of "[pers pn] have [vb pp] [noun sg] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 I then returned to the little inn where I had ordered dinner to be ready at an hour early enough to allow me to walk back to Ballachulish in time for the calling of the steamboat on its Fort William route .
2 ‘ Friends , ’ he was saying , ‘ I 've ordered brandy to be served to you all , so that we can celebrate my wedding properly . ’
3 I have found criticism to be a deeply enriching , but not always comfortable exploration of the text of Scripture .
4 She had , of late , felt herself uncannily able to predict the next word , the next move , in any dialogue : she could hear and take in three conversations at once : she could see remotely as through a two-way mirror the private lives of her patients , sometimes of her friends : she had felt reality to be revealed to her at times in flashes beyond even the possibility of rational calculation : had felt in danger ( why danger ? ) of too much knowledge , of a kind of powerlessness and sadness that is born of knowledge : for these reasons , perhaps , was it that she had decided to multiply the possibilities so recklessly , to construct a situation beyond her own grasping ?
5 Prognostic statements on the clinical complications of colonisation by the epidemic strain in individual patients are difficult , but we have found survival to be influenced by poor pulmonary status of the patient at the time of acquisition .
6 And black dancers had gone in for contemporary or modern dance because they had felt ballet to be a white art form to be watched by white people . ’
7 Just like anybody else , they have understood science to be a process of investigation , and religion a matter of faith .
8 It should be taken first thing in the morning , before it has had time to be increased by exertion , mental excitement , eating , or stimulants like tea , coffee or nicotine .
9 After being shown around the factory , Mr Hunt said that as a father of four he had had cause to be thankful for the company 's products .
10 He 's got reason to be , ’ Kolchinsky replied , opening the boot so Graham could deposit his two black holdalls .
11 It is clear that in the past many of them have considered loyalty to be a two-way process , a contract or covenant , and that the state could be a traitorous party as well as the people .
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