Example sentences of "[pers pn] have [adv] [vb pp] [adv] from " in BNC.

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1 The mix of own compositions and covers worked well , bringing to my attention songs I 'd never heard before from the likes of Dick Gaughan and Steve Earle .
2 Ruth Atucehene , an immigrant from Ghana , said : ‘ I had just come home from church and I was in the house with my children . ’
3 Verona was far away and I had never lived away from home ; besides , I was not sure that my parents had ever contemplated the possibility that I might do so .
4 I 've just come across from the factory ; it 's windy out . ’
5 I 've recently moved here from Heymouth ’
6 I 've often come home from a job , or visiting so-called happily married friends , and thanked heaven fasting for my lot .
7 I have also learnt much from the skills of others : without Chris Whitaker and Tess Lomax we might not have succeeded in improving the way we organise community care .
8 I have perhaps strayed away from matters of industry .
9 But I have always shied away from using it on tables , perhaps feeling that a table should be capable of taking a certain amount of abuse .
10 Lewis , standing at the front gate , had managed to catch most of the exchanges ; had watched Mrs Williams as she 'd finally turned away from Morse in tearful distress .
11 Sometimes , you 've just come home from work and your feet are sore and your head aches , but then the music starts playing and away you go .
12 He was wearing a navy sweater and a light-coloured shirt and blue jeans , and her heart lurched because time shrank to the moment when she had finally walked away from him , one autumn morning , early , with their love already an awful deadweight in her memory .
13 When , as a child , he had been desperate for her love , and had offered his own , she had always turned away from him .
14 Although she had consistently turned away from singing opportunities — ‘ The more people nagged , the more I was determined to stay away ’ — she realised that this was something that , say , Lulu would never even consider .
15 Forgive others for what they may have done to you in the past ; and forgive yourself as well — you have probably learned much from your mistakes .
16 Imagine that you have just come home from your hard day being an Environmental Health Officer , and your neighbour , who happens to be a builder or bookmaker or something , invites you down to the pub , and over a pint he says , ‘ I heard something on the radio about some story .
17 Oh , she thinks she 's just come home from
18 Yeah I think we 'd better come away from that , thank you .
19 We 'd all kept away from it ever since the priest had had it pulled down the month before .
20 We 've always kept away from humans ! ’
21 We 've deliberately stayed away from the official national trails in England , Scotland and Wales .
22 Carl : ‘ No we 've deliberately shied away from doing remixes with Boys Own and so forth , because you 're really asking for a backlash for starters and also so many dance mixes sound really soft , like PWL productions .
23 Carl : ‘ No we 've deliberately shied away from doing remixes with Boys Own and so forth , because you 're really asking for a backlash for starters and also so many dance mixes sound really soft , like PWL productions .
24 Commentary : The common size statements merely confirm what we have already suggested above from our initial analysis , i.e. the gross profit has declined with a marked decline in 1988 and this has been accompanied by an increase in interest over the last years .
25 We have never gone away from the fact that the town plan and the policy statement in there that if the road was provided the land is in the town plan and this Council would have approved it .
26 The question is , if he has subsequently borrowed more from the testator , up to what point he has been released from his debts .
27 It has also borrowed heavily from the experience of Afro-America 's shift into electoral politics — the black mayors ' movement and so on .
28 Coxall and Robins ’ ( 1989 , p. 309 ) apology for a Conservative-dominated press , that ‘ it has never shied away from criticising the Conservative Party or a Conservative Government ’ , is misleading .
29 He knew that he 'd been close , but then somehow it had all slipped away from him ; when Alina had n't come out and the three of them had finally gone into the building , it was to find incomprehension from the woman who lived alone and an empty flat where she said she 'd gone for help .
30 He had just turned away from us and read a book .
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