Example sentences of "[pers pn] have [adv] [vb pp] of [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I did n't think that was bad , considering I 'd just thought of it .
2 It was a surprise because I 'd barely thought of her since I was fucked by her dog , an incident with which she had become associated in my mind : Helen and dog-cock went together .
3 ‘ I told you I 'd never heard of him . ’
4 I walked into this little club on the highway and I 'd never heard of them before , but there was this great , white blues band .
5 ‘ And , for your information , I 've long wished that I 'd never heard of you — or your wretched grandmother .
6 I 'd never heard of it before in relation to dogs but our vet was wonderful .
7 I 'd never heard of it before , yet it 's so easy to catch — I got it purely from food .
8 I 'd never heard of it .
9 Well er I 'd never heard of it .
10 I 'd never heard of it .
11 I 'd never thought of myself as working at the NME because I was in awe of it ; I used to read it all the time , Tony Tyler , Charles Shaar Murray and people like that .
12 But I 'd never thought of us as really having to worry about money that much ; certainly I was used to getting more or less what I wanted and had come to think of this virtually as a right , the way only children are apt to if their parents are anything other than actively hostile to them .
13 Rather like running the YMCA in fact , although I 'd never thought of it like that before .
14 ‘ I wish I 'd never thought of it .
15 You did indeed Norman and I 'd never thought of it , but there we are .
16 I 'd never thought of it that openly .
17 He 's quite good-looking in a film-starry way — I 'd always thought of him as young .
18 As John struggles to find another plectrum , I mention that I 'd always thought of him as a fingerstyle player …
19 Then he got talking about you , asked me if I 'd ever heard of you . ’
20 I had n't heard of anyone surfing Ke Iki .
21 and and Steve said , No I had n't heard of it actually .
22 Well I , I had n't heard of it on the telly , I
23 I had n't heard of it at all , do n't know what
24 I was already feeling depressed about having to diet and I had n't heard of yours .
25 I had n't thought of it like that .
26 I had n't thought of it , ’ I said .
27 How was I to combat it , physically , menially , and although I had n't thought of it in those terms , spiritually as well ?
28 ‘ To tell the truth , I had n't thought of it myself . ’
29 I had n't thought of it like that . ’
30 I had n't thought of it — and anyway , what could I do ? ’
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