Example sentences of "[pers pn] have [verb] [pron] [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Erm now if I 'd given you the same thing and you 'd
2 In return , I described my discovery of Weimar 's system for naming streets when I had visited it a few years earlier .
3 I had seen her a few times since and remembered her lively face , her large , intelligent eyes which were always looking here , looking there as if one moment 's rest would deny her some crumb of life .
4 Sometimes he grunted at me as if trying to get me to say something , but always I had to give him the same classroom answer : ‘ Ich verstehe nicht . ’
5 I 've pressed it a few times by accident and then needed it .
6 I 've seen him a few times and he 's never made a favourable impression on me !
7 ‘ Yes , I 've met him a few times , ’ she admitted .
8 If you 're talking about learning theory , well I 've given you a few names .
9 A vowel No I 've heard it a few times
10 I 've told him no more sex till he gets back into shape . ’
11 I 've brought you a few things , ’ she began , taking up her basket .
12 I 've brought you a few things , ’ she said , glancing back to where her basket stood on the floor .
13 She 'd met him a few times , usually when he was drunk .
14 Now you 've given me the same answer for two different inputs , but that 's okay .
15 All right , so you design a cup and rod device to compress a cat 's testicle and crush it , and when you 've done it a few thousand times over word gets out and you have protests and pressure .
16 Listening , as you become more comfortable and you become , you 've done it a few times you know what you 're gon na have to say and then you , you er , you listen more carefully to the answers .
17 Not a word had she received from Pilade 's father as to his son 's welfare all this long time and if she had given him cause , as he might argue , to abandon her she had given him no such leave to forget his child .
18 She had asked him a few Saturdays ago if everything was all right between them .
19 She had found it a few days earlier and feeling an immediate love for the place , determined to find time to sit there .
20 They were all in the kitchen where she had left them a few minutes earlier .
21 Yeah , so you have to make them the same .
22 We 've given you a few hints how to say them , dance to them , put great big eight foot wide papier mâché masks on to do them if you want .
23 The more fully we have developed ourselves the more cause for such gratitude we will have , and the more we understand the cosmos , particularly by grasping the true nature of detailed parts of it and their place in the total scheme , the more we will appreciate the sheer wonderfulness of it , and arrive at a kind of mystical adoration of it .
24 We have seen her a few times since she has become well known .
25 Yeah because what they did they they 've done it a few a times though different people , look and see how far it is before it 's a blind spot .
26 ‘ I would have signed if they had offered me a few bob more . ’
27 That they have cost me no more than my time makes such decisions much easier than if I had paid for them in gold .
28 He has angered us a few times , Sheridan , Vinny , Eric , Batty all gone but we 're still up there , second in the league .
29 He has since got used to only having one sighted eye although it has given him a few recurring infections .
30 He 'd given her a few sugar pieces , which she 'd taken , and even offered several pinches of snuff , which she had n't .
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