Example sentences of "[pers pn] be seen [prep] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She was seen to be afebrile with a tender rigid abdomen on admission to her local hospital .
2 Male carers are often omitted from detailed study because they are seen to be unimportant or assumed to be so few in number .
3 Agreement with the objectives will help to ensure that they are seen to be important and that activity will be directed towards their achievement .
4 She proposes an alternative model of mind in which feelings are paid sufficient attention , and in which , through language , they are seen to be intelligent rather than rational , non-rational or irrational .
5 The primary concern of the judiciary , said Lord Hailsham , must be ‘ to retain the respect of the public for their independence which involves not merely their real independence of mind , but also the belief which the public can have that they are seen to be independent in every respect ’ .
6 It is easily visible with the naked eye , and is striking in binoculars ; with × 12 there is some resolution of its outer parts , and with × 20 it is seen to be starry .
7 This point may sound very obvious , but it is seen to be crucial when one party to the contract is looking for a way to get out of his contractual obligations and is able to seize upon an ill-defined point .
8 Throughout the early reports there is a constant emphasis on the level and content of the work , in an obvious attempt to stress that adults in ‘ deprived ’ areas are capable of undertaking sustained , demanding education if it is seen to be relevant to their needs .
9 Explain the system carefully and do ensure that it is seen to be fair .
10 It is seen to be fair .
11 Partly because of this distinction in favour of processions at common law , it was seen to be necessary for the police to be given statutory powers to control potentially disruptive processions ( but not meetings ) in the Public Order Act 1936 .
12 On opening it was seen to be empty .
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