Example sentences of "[pers pn] be n't [adv] that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 However , it is n't just that their perceptions and responses are affected by their beliefs .
2 It is n't just that she does n't have the stomach to eat anything because of her morbid dread of flying ; more that she ca n't accept touching anything anti-Green .
3 It is n't often that you hear a genuine story of a tail wagging the dog but spreadsheets and personal computers are just such a case .
4 It is n't only that they enjoy commercial success and critical acclaim , but because they are , in the jargon of the trade , ‘ good copy ’ — talkative , controversial , witty and opinionated on a whole range of topics .
5 Well it is n't only that I mean er we do n't provide the food when they 're at home , do we ?
6 When she got pregnant her social worker booked her into here , as there was not much space at her home and Barbara agreed that it was n't right that her mother should have her back with a baby as well .
7 ‘ Still , it was n't exactly that I was thinking of , ’ the Marshal said .
8 It was n't exactly that he wanted a present .
9 It was n't exactly that he was afraid ; he just did n't want to leave Frances .
10 It was n't simply that he was managing to smile with his mouth full — a difficult enough task at the best of times — it was that his smile expressed so many real , positive qualities that it must be designed to sell something .
11 It was n't simply that he seemed incapable of telling the truth : he could n't begin to express any thought without it sounding false or grotesque .
12 It was n't simply that he felt protective towards him .
13 It was n't even that I felt unhappy .
14 It worried him a bit , but it was n't here that he looked nervous and gave me reason to be concerned .
15 It was n't just that their possessions , wood and porcelain , paint and linen , symbolised their joint life .
16 It was n't just that he was pitching it lower .
17 It was n't just that it looked so out of place hanging against the speckled mystery of clean , deep space .
18 It was n't just that she was strikingly beautiful ; there was an unworldly air about her .
19 It was n't just some inevitable reserve because of the age difference , and it was n't just that she was an intensely private person whose public persona did n't tell the whole story .
20 It was n't just that she had grown older and softer or that they were harder than he had been .
21 It was n't often that he had a whole day out on the moor .
22 It was n't only that I could n't lift myself off the ground but that I was stuck to it in some way .
23 It was n't only that he was n't interested in her any longer .
24 It was n't merely that he had lost stones in weight — dash it , the man 's sobriquet was a libel now — but that his whole demeanour was that of a soldier completely confused , completely disorientated .
25 Why do you think I brought you down to his place if it was n't so that I could stake a claim on your patience — make you listen to what I have to confess because there was no way you could run away from me — flag down a taxi , catch a bus and head for the airport ? ’
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