Example sentences of "[pers pn] be still [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Erm anybody who 's who 's interested erm if you 'd like to ask for a leaflet aft at the end of the session because the main thing is that you do have to take advantage of this while you are still employed in reckonable service .
2 She felt as if she were still surrounded by ominous shadows that no amount of sunlight would ever be able to penetrate .
3 Her pony-tail was weaving like a snake , and she was still dressed in blood-stained black armour and shiny leggings ; the same kit that she had been wearing when Ardamal and his section had dragged her , kicking and screaming , into the IMC executive transporter .
4 Attitudes in the media are slowly changing , but we are still presented with stereotyped images of older people .
5 The opening up of broadcasting has developed across thirty years , but we are still left with huge room for improvement .
6 A note of the fact that they have started out equally separated from each other , are now marching in parallel straight lines , and we need to check later that they are still separated by equal distances and still going in the same direction .
7 In any event , points out Gibbons , if the pool price rises sharply , as many predict , they are still faced with major discontinuity in very difficult economic conditions .
8 These people [ the Brazilian Indians ] are wild [ sauvage ] in the same way as we say that fruits are wild , when nature has produced them by herself in her ordinary way … they are still very close to their original simplicity … they are still governed by natural laws and very little corrupted by our own " .1
9 Everyone planning to start a baby should check with their doctor that they are still protected against German Measles .
10 In the second phase they tend to be more regional , although they are still dispersed over considerable distances , up to 200 km apart .
11 Most of the chairs , however , were not subject to such private patronage , but they were still employed for political purposes , though usually on a somewhat higher political level than Dempster intended .
12 Women had always been denied the rights to vote in any election , but the Local Government Act , 1894 , gave women property owners , in England and Wales , the right to vote in local elections , but they were still excluded from Parliamentary elections .
13 Bud-chugging Dan turned John Goodman into a huge ( ha ha ) star , a remarkable portrayal of the sit-com hubby — neither a blithering , henpecked twerp who ca n't work the dishwasher , nor a big-mouthed house-yob , he is still dogged with outdated gender-expectations and prefers the company of motorbikes and poker-buddies .
14 He is still remembered with great affection within the Association and his widow , Lady Peck , continues a most welcome interest in the House .
15 It was still opposed by Danish environmentalists , who claimed that it would affect the salinity of the Baltic Sea by partially blocking the Öresund , as well as bringing greater pollution to the Copenhagen area through increased traffic flows , but supporters of the project said that it would bring new economic activity to the area .
16 And though the place was leavened by servicemen on short courses and all the liveliness of that well-reported wartime gaiety , it was still dominated by public-school men with backgrounds of privilege and wealth quite foreign to Burton and smacking too sharply of the oppressor , with accents of command and futures of rule .
17 He was still supplemented by special ambassadors sent for short periods for particular purposes , though their functions became more and more purely formal .
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