Example sentences of "[pers pn] be for [pron] to be " in BNC.

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1 The only way to solve it is for something to be done to those four officers , something done to the Korean lady who shot the girl , something done to the Compton policeman who killed those two Samoan brothers …
2 Compare , ‘ One learns what it is for something to be absent through things being absent ’ ; and , ‘ One learns what it is for something to be absent through noticing the absence of things ’ .
3 Compare , ‘ One learns what it is for something to be absent through things being absent ’ ; and , ‘ One learns what it is for something to be absent through noticing the absence of things ’ .
4 He starts by remarking that scientists and ( at that time ; he was writing in the 1950s ) philosophers usually take science as the understanding of an independent reality , with the presumptions that they know what it is for something to be ‘ real ’ and for someone to ‘ understand ’ it .
5 Nor is it necessary to know any of x 's relational properties in order to understand what it is for it to be round-shaped or metal .
6 Why does the separation of the mental from the physical make it impossible to show that we understand what it is for there to be other minds than our own , given the separation of the mental from the physical ?
7 For instance , what it is for there to be a red rose in this darkened room is for it to be the case that if I were to turn the light on , I would make a certain observation , and if I were then to move to another place , I would make an observation rather different , and if you were to come in , you would observe such and such , and so on .
8 ‘ People still write about how strange it was for me to be with someone like Catherine , ’ he says .
9 She knew how important it was for him to be in a good army , and if the war had ended in Rhodesia , then perhaps another might start in one of France 's old colonies so that the Legion could get involved .
10 During the summer , the Prime Minister kept saying how essential it was for him to be present at Maastricht in December in order to make decisions , but the word from Downing street now is that the Prime Minister 's greatest ambition at Maastricht is to fend off making any decisions .
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