Example sentences of "[pers pn] be a [noun] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm a seconder for that ?
2 I 'm a sucker for middle-class comforts .
3 Look , I 'm a sucker for that sort of thing .
4 I 'm a sucker for coastal walking and am naturally attracted to Dorset as it offers some of the best in the country .
5 I 'm a sucker for pretty wood finishes and would probably have requested a much more translucent look than the one I see here .
6 I was a policeman for twelve years in Jordan before I joined the Black June .
7 I was a fund-raiser for liberal politics . ’
8 I was a miner for 23 years before coming to the House .
9 Stevenson , you 're a cure for dull aches , you really are . ’
10 More film roles are expected to come rolling in after the Oscars on 29 March , although Thompson claims she is a no-hoper for glamorous parts .
11 He accuses her of being a stooge of the EGP , the Guerrilla Army of the Poor ; he say she is a front for this ‘ hard-line rebel group ’ which is ‘ bent on achieving communist revolution by force of arms ’ .
12 She was a colleague for many years .
13 The Court held that she was a purchaser for valuable consideration , the consideration being the withdrawal of a bona fide claim to a property adjustment order .
14 ‘ Of course , we have to put these advertisements in , ’ said the tired , courteous , slightly frayed man who interviewed him , ‘ because we are a service for all schools in the private sector .
15 They are a victory for common sense .
16 They have some power over the length of the school day , they are an avenue for parental complaint and they have wider powers than in the past over matters of school discipline and in the appointment and dismissal of teachers .
17 I accepted all of this without thinking it in any way unusual , even though my father used to boast about Billy 's achievements as if they were a matter for civic pride .
18 How they were a strength for each other after our affairs ended . ’
19 The blackout precautions were a constant worry to Julia , and Eileen declared that they were an excuse for petty tyrants to enjoy themselves .
20 Would not it be a disaster for part-time workers , women workers and , indeed , all workers in Britain ?
21 Would it be a substitute for inner changes you need to make ?
22 Ellen Jebeau brought her lips tightly together and drew them inwards between her teeth before she said , with deep bitterness , ‘ I do n't know about it being a time for plain speaking , I can only say that time has shown your ingratitude for what I 've done for you over the years . ’
23 I think we have to look at the climate we 're in ; we 're , at the moment the AIDS epidemic is facing all of us , it 's a problem for each and any , every one of us .
24 Paul says it 's a sport for all the youngest who 's been in a raft is 5 … the oldest is 95 … anyone can come and see what it 's like playing in whitewater
25 IT 'S a triumph for British engineering .
26 It 's a get-together for some of our clients and their wives , and hopefully for prospective customers , too .
27 It 's a matter for grappling irons , then .
28 ‘ In a way it 's quite lucky it all happened when it did — but it 's a shame for other people who will be bringing cases forward in the near future . ’
29 It 's a time for that client to decide whether they wish to stay or if they want to go home . ’
30 It 's a time for few windows and we have many , and maybe it 's even a time for living in town or city with lights and movement and not just the dead nettles of the water meadow to gaze at .
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